Army Tactical Equipment Maintenance Facilities (TEMF) - indexArmy Tactical Equipment Maintenance Facilities (TEMF) - ufc_4_214_020001Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) - ufc_4_214_020002Foreword - ufc_4_214_020003Volume 1: Project Management Manual - ufc_4_214_020004Chapter 1 Introduction to the Design-Build ProcessGeneral ProceduresLegal basisgeneral AbbreviationsChapter 2 Utilizing this Document for TEMF Design-Build SolicitationsApplicability - ufc_4_214_020013New and Replacement ConstructionSite Engineering - ufc_4_214_020015Volume 2, Editing the Attachments to the Statement of WorkTechnical SpecificationsChapter 3 Project Development and Site Selection - ufc_4_214_020018Site Selection - ufc_4_214_020019Safety HazardsSite Verification - ufc_4_214_020021Chapter 4 Code 1 Activities - ufc_4_214_020022Scope Verification - ufc_4_214_020023Site Investigation - ufc_4_214_020024References - ufc_4_214_020025Chapter 5 Developing A Request for Proposals (RFP)Draft RFP Review and Coordination Draft (Pre-Final) RFP Coordination MeetingAcquisition Regulations and Source Selection Code 7 Activities Matrix - ufc_4_214_020030Chapter 6 Advertising Phase 1 of the RFPAdvertisingAuthority to Advertise Activities MatrixChapter 7 Receiving, Evaluating and Selecting Phase 1 ProposalsLegal and Contracting ReviewProposal Evaluation Process - ufc_4_214_020036Proposal Evaluation Standards - ufc_4_214_020037Phase 1 Selection memorandum Draft phase 2 Issuance - ufc_4_214_020039References - ufc_4_214_020040chapter 8 Issuing the Phase 2 Amendment - ufc_4_214_020041Activities Matrix - ufc_4_214_020042Chapter 9 Phase 2 Proposal Preparation period Point of ContactEvaluation of ProposalsPhase Two proposal Period ActivitiesChapter 10 Receiving and Evaluating Phase Two ProposalPrice evaluation - ufc_4_214_020048Copies of the RFP with all amendmentsDraft Source Selection Memorandum Government EstimatePhase Two Proposal Receipt and Evaluation Activities - ufc_4_214_020052Chapter 11 DisCussion and AwardSource Selection - ufc_4_214_020054Tradeoff Process DocumentationAward - ufc_4_214_020056Decision Model for Determining the Successful OfferorReferences - ufc_4_214_020058Chapter 12 Post Award Activities - ufc_4_214_020059Prepare meeting agendaContruction Record KeepingAppendix A Phase 1 Evaluation Manual Rating Methodology - ufc_4_214_020064Overall Proposal RatingFactor 1-1 Offeror Past Performance - ufc_4_214_020066Relevant Evaluator Personal KnowledgeTimeliness of Products Produced - ufc_4_214_020068Offeror Management Processes - ufc_4_214_020069Weaknesses - ufc_4_214_020070Offeror Management of Subcontractors OtherFactor 1-1 Summary and Overall Rating - ufc_4_214_020073Factor 1-2 Offeror Project key Personnel Factor 1-3 Offeror Technical Approach Narrative Factor 1-3 Offeror Technical Approach Narrative - Cont'dFactor 1-3 Summary and Overall Rating - ufc_4_214_020077Factor 1-4 Offeror Relative ExperiencePhase 1 Summary and Overall Rating - ufc_4_214_020079Appendix B Phase 2 Evaluation Manual - ufc_4_214_020080Proposal Requirements - ufc_4_214_020081Evaluation Factors - ufc_4_214_020082Factor 2-1 Building FunctionFactor 2-1 Building Function - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020084Factor 2-1 Building Function - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020085Factor 2-1 Summary Rating - ufc_4_214_020086Factor 2-2 Building Systems Subfactor Evaluations - ufc_4_214_020088Building Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems (HVAC)Building Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems (HVAC) - Cont'dBuilding Construction Materials (Other than HVAC, Structural, Electrical Systems)Facility Equipment and Built-In ItemsFacility Equipment and Built-In Items - Cont'd Force Protection ConsiderationsFire Protection Systems - ufc_4_214_020095Building Thermal Performance - ufc_4_214_020096Communication and Telephone SystemsIntrusion Detection and Security SystemsPlumbing Systems - ufc_4_214_020099Building Structural Systems - ufc_4_214_020100Factor 2-2 Summary RatingFactor 2-3 Site Design ConsiderationsArea Development Plan - ufc_4_214_020103Force Protection Considerations - ufc_4_214_020104Grading - ufc_4_214_020105Paved AreasLandscaping - ufc_4_214_020107Factor 2-3 Summary RatingFactor 2-4 Site EngineeringWater SystemFuel Piping and Storage Systems Electrical Distribution SystemCommunications Systems (Com, Telephone, etc)Sanitary Sewer System - ufc_4_214_020114Storm Sewer SystemPavement DesignFactor 2-4 Summary RatingFactor 2-5 Sustainable Design ConsiderationsFactor 2-6 Offeror Management Plans and Schedules - ufc_4_214_020119 Subfactor Evaluations - ufc_4_214_020120Schedule InformationCloseout Plan Sub-Contracting PlanFactor 2-6 Summary RatingPhase 2 Summary and Overall RatingAppendix C Summary Evaluation MatrixProposal Summary Scoring MatrixArmy Tactical Equipment Maintenance Facilities (TEMF) - ufc_4_214_020128Notes Usace Activity Preparing Solicitation Section 00010 Solicitation, Offer and Award (Standard Form 1442) and Pricing ScheduleSection 00010 Solicitation Contract FormSection 00010 Solicitation Contract Form - Cont'dNotes - ufc_4_214_020134Section 00100 Instructions and tices to Bidders/OfferorsSection 00100 Bidding Schedule/Instructions to BiddersBasis of Award - ufc_4_214_020137Section 00110 Proposal Submission Requirements and Instructions - ufc_4_214_020138Section 00110 Proposal Submission Requirements and Instructions - ufc_4_214_020139Phase 1 Proposal Submission InstructionsOfferor Past Performance InformationTechnical Approach Narrative - ufc_4_214_020142Sample Transmittal Letter and Past Performance Evaluation QuestionnairePast Performance Evaluation QuestionnairePast Performance Evaluation Questionnaire - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020145Past Performance Evaluation Questionnaire - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020146Past Performance Evaluation Questionnaire - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020147Past Performance Evaluation Questionnaire - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020148Phase 2 Proposal Submission InstructionsProposal Requirements and Submission FormatSample Quality Control Plan - ufc_4_214_020151Design drawings - ufc_4_214_020152Site Design - ufc_4_214_020153Building Design - ufc_4_214_020154Specifications - ufc_4_214_020155RestrictionsSection 00120 Proposal Evaluation and Contract Award Section 00120 Proposal Evaluation and Contract AwardBasis of Award - ufc_4_214_020159Offeror Past PerformancePhase 2 Evaluation Procedures and CriteriaRelative Importance of FactorsFactor 2-1: Building Function Factor 2-2: Building SystemsFacility Equipment and Built-InsFactor 2-3: Site Design ConsiderationsFactor 2-4: Site EngineeringFactor 2-6: Offeror Management Plans and SchedulesSection 00600 Representations & Certifications - ufc_4_214_020169Section 00600 Representations & Certifications - ufc_4_214_020170Section 00700 Contract Clauses Section 00700 ontract Clauses Section 00700 ontract Clauses - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020173Section 00700 ontract Clauses - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020174Contract Clauses for Design-Build Construction ContractsSection 0110, "Proposal Submission Requirements", Self-Performed WorkFormat Calculation of Self-Preformed Work Design/Build ContractsLimitations on SubcontractingCommencement, Prosecution , and Completion of WorkDrawings and Other Data to Become Property of the GovermentSection 00800 Special Contract Requirements - ufc_4_214_020181Section 00800 Special Contract Requirements - ufc_4_214_020182Special Contract Rquirements Note to the Design District SCR Design-Build Contract-Order of Precedence - AUG 1997SCR Proposed Betterments - AUG 1997Responsibility of the Contractor for DesignWarranty of Design Sequence of Design/Build Construction - ufc_4_214_020188Constructor's Role During DesignTraining Value Engineering After Award - ufc_4_214_020191SCR Deviating From the Accepted Design (Jun 2002)Statement of WorkState of Work ContentsState of Work Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020195State of Work Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020196State of Work Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020197Figures - ufc_4_214_020198Chapter 1 Design ObjectivesEnergy and Resources Conserving FeaturesProgramming Information - ufc_4_214_020201Programming Information - ufc_4_214_020201_copy1Chapter 2 Function and Area Requirements Repair and Scheduled Maintenance Bay AreasTable 2.A Mechanics Per Repair and Scheduled Maintenance BayFinishes - ufc_4_214_020205Figure 2.1 Repair Bay Floor Plan (Not to Scale)Scheduled Maintenance BaysOther requirements - ufc_4_214_020208Figure 2.2 Scheduled Maintenance Bay Floor Plan (Not to Scale)Figure 2.3 Maintenance Pit Details (Not to Scale)Welding Shop - ufc_4_214_020211Generator ShopCold Region Vehicle CorridorInside POL StorageTool RoomTool Box StoragePLL StorageGeneral Item RepairCompact Item RepairSpecial Environment RepairCorridor(s)Stairs - ufc_4_214_020222Mechanical Areas - ufc_4_214_020223Communication RoomsCOMSEC VaultMen's Toilet RoomWomen's Toilet RoomWomen's Locker RoomElevatorWarehouse AreasDX/TS (Direct Exchange/Technical Support)Outside Hardstand AreasWaste Engine Coolant (antifreeze) Storage Tank(s)Figure 2.4 IFTE Dock Perpendicular to Building (Not to Scale)Figure 2.6 Diagrammatic Section of IFTE Dock Parallel to Building (Not to Scale)Chapter 3 Site Planning and DesignLand UseAdditional Site Design Criteria [for TOE Facilities]OrganizationalSentry BoothGround CoverWarrantySatisfactory Stand of TurfChapter 4 Site Engineering Table 4-1 Soil Compaction - ufc_4_214_020245Analysis of Existing System Capacity - ufc_4_214_020246Trenches - ufc_4_214_020247Analysis of Existing System Capacity - ufc_4_214_020248Sewage Pump Station and Force MainLocation of Connections to Existing SystemsMaterials - ufc_4_214_020251Gas Distribution SystemPiping materials - ufc_4_214_020253Insulation - ufc_4_214_020254Factory fabricated, direct-buried DDT systemsTable 4.2 Minimum Pipe Insulation Thickness (mm) For Steam (100 to 2,800 kPa (gage))Table 4.3 Minimum Pipe Insulation Thickness (mm) For Condensate ReturnTank storageWaste Oil/Antifreeze StorageElectrical Distribution - ufc_4_214_020260Corrosion control - ufc_4_214_020261Ductile iron piping systemsChapter 5 Architectural DesignAcceptable Materials and ColorsExterior Personnel Doors and FramesExterior WindowsCeilings - ufc_4_214_020267CaseworkChapter 6 Structural Design Selection of Structural SystemsChapter 7 Thermal PerformanceChapter 8 Plumbing Gas fired water heaterPiping Systems - ufc_4_214_020275GasMiscellaneous ItemsChapter 9 Electrical SystemsTable 9.1 - Lighting LevelsTelecommunications - ufc_4_214_020280Security SystemsChapter 10 Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Table 10-2- Internal LoadsMechanical Systems - ufc_4_214_020284Incremental equipment - ufc_4_214_020285Incremental Equipment - ufc_4_214_020286Air Distribution Terminal UnitsVariable air volume terminal unitUnit ventilators - ufc_4_214_020289Air Distribution Central Equipment - ufc_4_214_020290Central Heating EquipmentCentral Cooling EquipmentPackaged air cooled liquid chillersCooling towers - ufc_4_214_020294DuctworkHydronic Distribution SystemsSupporting ElementsInsulation Controls - ufc_4_214_020299Testing, Adjusting and BalancingTraining - ufc_4_214_020301Chapter 11 Energy ConservationWind Rebates and IncentivesChapter 12 Fire Protection Dry pipe sprinkler system Interior Wall and Ceiling FinishesChapter 13 Sustainable Design - ufc_4_214_020308Appendix A References - ufc_4_214_020309Non-Goverment Publications - ufc_4_214_020310Non-Goverment Publications - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020311Non-Goverment Publications - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020312Non-Goverment Publications - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020313Non-Goverment Publications - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020314Non-Goverment Publications - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020315Non-Goverment Publications - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020316Non-Goverment Publications - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020317Non-Goverment Publications - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020318Non-Goverment Publications - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020319Non-Goverment Publications - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020320Non-Goverment Publications - Cont'd - ufc_4_214_020321List of Attachments to the Statement of Work - ufc_4_214_020322Attachment 1 Technical Specifications - ufc_4_214_020323Attachment 1 Technical Specifications - ufc_4_214_020324Below is a list of specifications which could typically be included in this attachment - ufc_4_214_020325Section 01012 Design After AwardContractor prepared site specific geotechnical report and analysesStructural Interior Design - ufc_4_214_020328Sequence of Sid SubmittalQuantity of Design Submittals - ufc_4_214_020330Goverment Review - ufc_4_214_020331Design Calculations - ufc_4_214_020332Specifications - ufc_4_214_020333Site Grading and Drainage Plans - ufc_4_214_020334Architectural - ufc_4_214_020335Fire Protection/SuppressionA description of the proposed control systemDesign of Cathodic Protection - ufc_4_214_020338Fire Protection and Life Safety AnalysisSpecific Electrical RequirementsDesign complete submittal - ufc_4_214_020341Design Related ProductsAttachment 2 Reserved - ufc_4_214_020343Attachment 3 Reserved - ufc_4_214_020344Attachment 4 Reserved - ufc_4_214_020345Attachment 5 Proposal Drawing Format - ufc_4_214_020346Attachment 5 Proposal Drawing Format - ufc_4_214_020347Drawing Preparation - ufc_4_214_020348Attachment 6 Site and Locality Maps - ufc_4_214_020349Attachment 7 Project and Safety Signs - ufc_4_214_020350Attachment 8 Geotechnical Report - ufc_4_214_020351Attachment 9 Excerpts from the Installation Design GuideAttachment 10 Fire Flow Data - ufc_4_214_020353Attachment 11 List of DrawingsAttachment 8 Geotechnical Report Asbestos and Lead Paint Survey Results