UFC 4-214-02
24 July 2003
6a.2 Weaknesses: Include a listing of any identified or obvious weaknesses of the offeror with respect to
Offeror Documentation and production of written materials.
6a.3 Other: Include any other comments/rationale to support the overall rating provided for this offeror.
6b. Offeror Cooperation with Customer/Client Personnel: Evaluators shall carefully review the information
provided in the completed questionnaires to ascertain a level of customer satisfaction with the offeror
cooperation and interactions on the past projects. Based on that review, provide a rating for the Offeror
Cooperation on the Past Completed Projects below. Include a listing of any apparent weaknesses or
strengths of the offeror the and proposed project team.
/__/ Outstanding /__/ Above Average /__ / Satisfactory /__ / Marginal /__ / Unsatisfactory
/__ / Unknown
6b.1 Strengths: Include a listing of any identified or obvious strengths of the offeror with respect to
Customer/Client Cooperation.
Appendix A Page 8