UFC 4-214-02
24 July 2003
h. Building Thermal Performance. This subfactor considers the adequacy of the building envelope in
respect to energy conservation. The statement of work sets a minimum level of prescriptive criteria.
Evaluators shall ensure that the proposals meet this minimum level of compliance. Proposals which include
enhanced energy conservation strategies through the use of higher insulation levels, infiltration blocks, heat
recovery, or material selections should receive a rating above "AVERAGE".
Other Considerations: Windows, doors, wall construction, perimeter insulation,
roof insulation, wall and roof color, exhaust heat recovery
/__ / Excellent
/__ / Above Average /__ / Average /__ / Poor /__ / Unacceptable
Proposal Strengths. Include narrative comments with respect to proposal strengths in the area of
Building Thermal Performance. Comments are required for all ratings above "AVERAGE".
Proposal Weaknesses. Include narrative comments with respect to proposal weaknesses in the area
of Building Thermal Performance. Comments are required for all ratings above "AVERAGE".
Other Comments. Include any other comments with respect to Building Thermal Performance here.
Appendix B Page 17