UFC 4-214-02
24 July 2003
d. Sub-Contracting Plan. Evaluators shall review and evaluate the Offeror's proposed subcontracting plan
in terms of achieving the required special emphasis group participations and the completeness and rationale
for the plan proposed. Offerors who are not required to submit a subcontracting plan (i.e. Small Business
concerns) will be assigned a rating equal to the highest evaluation of any subcontracting plan submitted in
response to this solicitation.
Other Considerations: None.
/__ / Excellent
/__ / Above Average /__ / Average /__ / Poor /__ / Unacceptable
Proposal Strengths. Include narrative comments with respect to proposal strengths in the Offeror's
proposed Sub-Contracting Plan. Comments are required for all ratings above "AVERAGE".
Proposal Weaknesses. Include narrative comments with respect to proposal weaknesses of the
Offeror's proposed Sub-Contracting Plan. Comments are required for all ratings above
Appendix B Page 44