Project Name
Project Number
Statement of Work
UFC 4-214-02, 24 Jul 03
Pipe Insulation. Provide on all aboveground hot and cold piping systems except
PVC condensate drains. Insulation shall form a continuous thermal retarder and shall have a
vapor retardant to prevent condensation on cold piping systems. Installation shall be with full
length units of insulation and using a single cut piece to complete a run. Cut pieces or scraps
abutting each other shall not be used. Supply the insulation with manufacturers recommended
factory applied jacket except for flexible cellular. Piping exposed to weather shall be insulated
and an aluminum jacket or PVC jacket shall be applied. Where insulated pipes pass through fire
walls, fire partitions, above grade floors, and fire rated chase walls, the penetration shall be
sealed with fire stopping materials.
10-14.2.1 Cold aboveground piping. Insulation for minus 34.5 degrees to plus 15.6 degrees C
for outdoor, indoor, exposed or concealed applications, shall be as follows:
10- Cellular Glass: ASTM C 552, Type II, and Type III.
10- Flexible Cellular Insulation: ASTM C 534, Type I or II with vapor retarder skin on
both sides.
10- Phenolic Insulation: ASTM C 1126, Type III.
10- Polyisocyanurate Insulation: ASTM C 591, Type I.
10-14.2.2 Hot aboveground piping. Insulation for above 15.6 degrees C [60 degrees F] for
outdoor, indoor, exposed or concealed applications, shall be as follows:
10- Mineral Fiber: ASTM C 547, Types I, II or III.
10- Calcium Silicate: ASTM C 533, Type I indoor only, or outdoors above 121 degrees
C pipe temperature.
10- Cellular Glass: ASTM C 552, Type II and Type III.
10- Flexible Cellular Insulation: ASTM C 534, Type I or II to 93 degrees C service.
10- Phenolic Insulation: ASTM C 1126 Type III to 121 degrees C service shall comply
with ASTM C 795. Supply with manufacturer's recommended factory applied jacket.
10- Polyisocyanurate Insulation: ASTM C 591, Type 1, to 149 degrees C service.
Supply with manufacturer's recommended factory applied jacket.
Equipment. Provide on all equipment when temperatures are below 16 degrees C,
above 40 degrees C or where condensation can occur. Insulation shall be suitable for the
temperature encountered. Insulation shall be formed or fabricated to fit the equipment.
Removable insulation sections shall be provided to cover parts of equipment which must be
opened periodically for maintenance including vessel covers, fasteners, flanges and
accessories. Supply the insulation with manufacturer's recommended factory applied jacket.
CONTROLS. Control system shall be [DDC] [or] [electric]. Pneumatic actuators for
automatic valves, dampers and similar will be allowed. Provide all devices required, including air
controllers, actuators, control valves, dampers, transmitters, flow meters, etc., to provide a