the hardstand area may be provided to protect parked vehicles and equipment
and to minimize accumulation of water.
Operational Note: Hardstands are recommended for use during cleaning
and for filling truck/trailer mounted dispersal equipment. Spills,
although uncommon, can be contained and the material recovered if the
apron is curbed or the pavement is sloped (3/100). Hardstand sump shall
be fitted with a valve and deadman mechanism so that the valve is closed
to flow at all times unless manually opened. Hardstand drains shall be
connected to the industrial waste treatment system. For filling
equipment tanks, garden hoses are too small (slow). Spigots, hose bibs,
fill pipes and other pressurized water sources shall be fitted with
backflow prevention devices. Deluge shower and eyewash fountain must be
accessible within 10 seconds from mixing (filling) sites.
General. Provide plumbing, heating, and ventilation systems for
(cooling), if required, for the office, and for the pesticide storage area to
maintain temperature below 100 degrees Fahrenheit (47.1 degrees Celsius). A
separate HVAC system shall be provided for the clean areas to establish a
positive pressure to prevent odor and chemical infiltration.
Refer to NAVFAC DM-3.01, Plumbing Systems.
Disposal of Pesticides. No concentrated pesticides shall be
discarded to the sanitary sewer or storm drain. The disposal of pesticide
wastes shall be regulated by local water quality regulations. Where stringent
regulations apply, the term "dilute" pesticide may include wash water
generated from (a) the laundry of contaminated work clothing, (b) washing of
equipment, (d) emergency deluge showers and (e) eye washes.
Operational Note: NAVFAC P-20.E, Shop Guide for Pesticide Disposal,
provides guidance on reducing pesticide disposal requirements but must
be used with caution as disposal regulations change frequently, usually
becoming more restrictive, and vary from site to site. Pressure rinsing
devices are strongly recommended, especially those that allow drainage
directly into application equipment or recovery of the rinse water.
These devices are quick and easy to use, cost less than , make use of
all the pesticide concentrate, and aid in disposal by converting
pesticide containers to non-hazardous waste. In addition, more and more
pesticide manufacturers and suppliers are providing pesticides in
transportable returnable containers (closed systems) that virtually
eliminate exposure to the pesticide during the mixing process. Use of
closed system returnable containers, where available, is strongly