Change 1, 31 May 1996
Surface Water Hydrological Data. The site shall be above, or
protected from, flooding. The flood plains are the lowland and relatively
flat areas adjoining inland and coastal waters, including, at a minimum,
those areas subject to a 1-percent or greater chance of flooding in any
given year. The base flood plain shall be used to designate the 100-year
flood plain, the 1-percent flooding probability. The critical action flood
plain is the flood level for which even a slight chance for flooding is too
great a hazard (43 CFR 6030). This level is defined as the 500-year flood
plain, the 0.2-percent flooding probability. The surface water elevations
for the flood plains can be obtained from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
The requirement for determining the flood plains is given in
DOD 4270.1-M.
2.1.4 Soil Information. The engineering characteristics of the soil shall
be determined at the locations of the facility and the access roads. The
location exchange characteristics of the soils shall be determined at a
minimum of two points on this site. This information will also be used to
determine the capacity of the soil to retain pollutants in the event of a
2.1.5 Geological Information. If the facility is located in a political
jurisdiction listed in Appendix VI of paragraph 40, CFR 264.18, the facility
shall not be within 61 meters (200 feet) of a fault that has had
displacement in Holocene time (Holocene time refers to the most recent
geological time period, including approximately the last 11,000 years). The
61 meters shall be measured along a direct line perpendicular to the plan of
the fault intersecting the nearest extremity (e.g., fence line) of the
facility to the fault line.