1.7.3 Economic Analysis (EA). The Using Service will provide an
economic analysis as supporting justification of DOD medical projects
with a cost over million, in accordance with guidance developed by the
Healthcare Facilities Steering Committee. The Economic Analysis compares
mission-based alternatives and identifies the most cost-effective capital
Specific requirements for the EA are contained in DoDI
6015.17 (Reference 1l).
1.7.4 Program for Design (PFD). Include the estimated number of parking
spaces as part of the Space Program.
1.7.5 Equipment Planning. The Using Service is responsible for
preparing an equipment list for installed medical and dental equipment,
and the associated budgeting, to support this requirement (MILCON) based
on the Space and Equipment Planning System (SEPS). Equipment in
Logistical category Codes E and F may be altered by the using Military
Department if funding source requirements are not exceeded. Any increase
in the funding for category Codes E and F equipment over the programmed
amount of the project requires TMA/DMFO approval.
1.7.6 Project Book (PB). The PB summarizes existing site conditions and
utilities, including the following minimum information.
a) Completed site survey (Example format is provided in
Figure 1-1),area maps, location maps, site location, site description (to
include grades, gates, etc), any/all demolition requirements on or near
the site, style of architecture, construction season limitations,
seismic, wind and snow considerations, SOFA, host country agreements,
soil and foundation conditions, utility conditions (water, sewer, power,
steam, electrical capacities and location), and site restrictions
(airfield, AICUZ potential helipad approach/departure zone obstructions,
floodland, rights-of-way, etc.), site security restrictions, the National
Capital Planning Commission (NCPC).
b) Utility availability, including water, sewage, storm
drainage, electrical power, existing fuel sources, central heat or
chilled water systems, including the tap-in locations. Also include the
available capacities, power service characteristics and locations,
electrical distribution, water and wastewater considerations.
c) Environmental impact requirements, archaeological and
historical considerations, explosive ordinance locations, contaminated
soil (fuel, asbestos, etc.), coastal zone considerations, wetlands and
watershed considerations, threatened and endangered species
considerations, water quality, air quality, asbestos contamination,
protection of natural resources information, and any other Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) or Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) considerations necessary which might impact the MILCON project.
Force Protection/Security requirements including
contingency considerations and statement by installation commander of
designee identifying appropriate threat security level wherever minimal
requirements are exceeded.