project area shall be coordinated with the overall traffic circulation
plans for the installation as well as the adjacent road system.
Provide convenient and safe vehicular access and circulation for
essential services, such as deliveries, trash and garbage collection,
fire protection, and maintenance and repair. Through traffic should be
kept to a minimum.
Separate Access. If feasible, provide separate roads from
the site entrance to emergency services, patient parking, and support
service areas. An additional road may be required from the helipad to
emergency services.
Ambulance Traffic. Where possible, ambulances shall be
provided a separate, dedicated route to the emergency entrance from the
nearest primary arterial roadway.
Dumpsters. Provide visual screening of all dumpster
locations from public view. Provide concrete pads for all dumpsters to
prevent damage to parking lots and grounds.
Parking Facilities. Ninety-degree off-street parking is
preferred for both organizational and non-organizational vehicles.
Parking areas should be coordinated with the location of underground
utility services. In the interest of economy and efficiency of land
use, joint use parking may be considered where feasible. Where
relatively large parking lots are unavoidable, natural terrain features
and allocation of natural tree islands should be combined effectively
to relieve the unfavorable view. When mature trees or vegetation exist
on a site, every reasonable effort should be used to integrate them
into the parking areas. Criteria and allowances for parking spaces for
non-organizational vehicles shall be in accordance with Table 3-1
(reference 3s).
Parking Structures. Parking structures or garages will be
considered when the site is too small to accommodate required parking,
the value of the land is excessive, the site is located in a harsh
climate, or the required amount of parking spaces creates an oversized
area with extreme walking distances. TMA/DMFO will approve parking
structures on a case-by-case basis.
Ambulance Shelters. Ambulance shelters in the form of a
garage or carport are authorized as part of a facility as follows:
Ambulance Garage. A garage may be provided at
installations where the heating design temperature on the 97.5 percent
dry bulb is less than 12C (11F).
Ambulance Carport. A carport may be provided at
percent dry bulb exceeds 31C (87F).
Design Temperatures. All building design temperatures
shall be obtained from the Tri-Service Manual, Engineering Weather
Data, AFM 88-8, chapter 6; TM 5-785; or NAVFAC P-89 (reference 3t).