Hot Water System Temperature Maintenance. In most MTF's, a
means of controlling system heat loss (and therefore temperature
decrease) will be required to maintain delivery temperatures within
acceptable tolerances. Designs for recirculating hot water systems shall
include provisions for isolating and balancing the system. Heat tape
systems may be utilized if cost justified, but are considered less
desirable due to reported system malfunctions and difficulty in locating
the malfunction point.
Plumbing Fixtures and Other Equipment. Plumbing fixtures
should conform generally to American Society of Mechanical Engineers
International, ASME standards series A112 (reference 9k) or International
Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, IAMPO standards series
Z124 (reference 9l). For uniformity, all fixtures shall be identified by
the Joint Schedule Number (JSN) provided in MIL-STD-1691 (reference 9j).
Quantities of fixtures shall be in accordance with the Tri-Service
Management Activity/Defense Medical Facilities Office (TMA/DMFO) Program
For Design (PFD).
Handicapped Fixtures. Provide handicapped fixtures in
accordance with the requirements of the Accessibility Provisions for the
Handicapped Section of this document and the TMA/DMFO PFD.
convenient to each public waiting room and elsewhere as directed by the
using Military Department. The standard rating and performance shall
conform to ARI Standard 1010 (reference 9m). Refer to the Accessibility
Section of this document for handicapped requirements.
Emergency Shower/Eye Wash Fixtures. In accordance with the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard Z358.1 (reference
9n), the water discharged from the fixtures shall be between 15 35
degrees C (60 95 degrees F). The purpose is to ensure users are not
subjected to extremely cold or hot water temperatures. If a given MTF
water service supply temperature annual profile can be shown to be in the
specified range, then the purpose is satisfied without the need for a
tempering means. Typical tempering means include thermostatic mixing
valve, instantaneous water heater, and heat tape. Some means do not
require a hot water supply and can be considered for remote applications
where only cold water service is available.
Water Usage Conservation. As of July 1992, the National
Energy Policy Act (EPACT) has specified maximum consumption requirements
for water closets, urinals, faucets and shower heads (for example, the
water closet standard was lowered from 13.2 liters (3.5 gallons) per
flush to 6.1 liters (1.6 gallons). Low-flow fixtures shall be specified
for all projects.
Sanitary Drainage System. The MTF sanitary waste system
shall be connected to an approved existing sewer system, either
government or private as appropriate. If an existing sewage disposal
system is not available, an approved alternative system shall be
provided. For example, a holding tank may be acceptable for remote
locations, for temporary service while awaiting the installation or
retrofit of an approved sewage disposal system, or a backup such as for
hardened or essential facilities. Any alternative to an approved central
sanitary system shall be coordinated with the Installation's local
approving authority. When connected to a local public system, code
requirements in excess of the NSPC or IPC (references 9a and 9b) imposed