UFC 4-711-01
13 July 2006
Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC)
New Document Summary Sheet
Cancels: This is a new Joint-Service document. This cancels MIL-HDBK-1035 (15 June 1989)
Family Housing. Services may issue supplemental criteria. See paragraph 1-1.3 for
Description of Changes: The UFC 4-711-01, DESIGN: FAMILY HOUSING represents
another step in the joint Services effort to bring uniformity to the planning, design and
construction of military family housing. This revision of that document contains extensive
modifications in the following areas:
The document requires the use of the latest building codes including the latest
version of the International Residential Code.
New military requirements were incorporated and improved references to other
documents were identified for energy conservation, sustainable development, and
antiterrorism standards.
This is the first joint Service criteria document to be published since the MH 1035.
Technical representatives of each of the DoD Components developed this document
to outline and detail family housing criteria agreed upon by each Service.
Reason for Changes: The existing guidance was inadequate for the following reasons:
The Services are currently using their own individual criteria documents, ex. AF
Guides, NAVFAC Instructions, Army Technical Instructions, and Marines P-
numbered management manuals. This document promotes criteria uniformity, and
reduces current reliance upon individual Service specific documents.
The existing Service-specific guidance did not properly reference and identify
recently updated and published commercial structural, seismic and wind data
The existing Service-specific guidance did not properly reference and identify
recently updated joint Service needs and agreements.
The existing Service-specific guidance did not reflect recent changes in the Fire and
Life Safety documents published by the NFPA.
Impact: The following direct benefits will result from the update of UFC 4-711-01:
Creation of a single source for common DoD Family Housing criteria and an accurate
reference to individual Service-specific documents.
o Eliminates misinterpretation and ambiguities that could lead to design and
construction conflicts.
o Facilitates updates and revisions and promotes agreement and uniformity of
design and construction between the Services.