UFC 4-711-01
13 July 2006
garage. Locate outside service door near outdoor living and lawn areas. Provide paved
access to the door. Provide a switch-controlled light at outside service door.
Recommended exterior storage space is 2.8 m2 (30 ft2) for two-bedroom units, 3.7 m2
(40 ft2) for three-bedroom units, and 4.7 m2 (50 ft2) for four- and five-bedroom units.
Trash Enclosure.
Provide each living unit with a paved pad area large enough for two 114-liter (30-gallon)
containers, plus any recycling containers required by the installation. Locate pad near
trash pick up point, and provide paved access for occupant. Locate trash area outside
living unit envelope. If visible from street, common area, or other living units, provide a
trash enclosure or screening. Garages and carports may be designed to provide
adequate trash container enclosures. Locate any dumpster areas in areas least
offensive to housing occupants, and provide adequate shielding with fencing or