UFC 4-721-10
31 July 2002
Housing personnel. Finishes should be easily cleaned, and endure
hard use and food spills. Rooms should be provided with
substantial natural lighting.
Vending: Discuss vending area, machine quantity and the desired
type with the activity and the local Marine Corps Community
Services, Services Director.
Public Toilets.
Public Telephone. Provide public pay telephone services in lobby
and multi-purpose areas. Provide at least one station with Digital
Services Network (DSN) access. Provide a telephone service
cubicle on at least three sides and provide a writing surface and a
fixed seat. Provide at least one telephone station accessible to
handicapped or disabled persons.
Library Area for reading, Computer room, (14 m2 (150 ft2)
Multi-media rentals (closet size).
Additional Resident Bulk Storage as required.
Mail Service.
Housekeeping: Provide a 1.5 m by 0.9 m (5-foot x 3-foot) closet for
permanent party facilities. At each floor level, provide a 1.5 m by
1.5 m (5-foot x 5-foot) closet for Transient facilities. In addition, for
transient facilities, provide one secure space of about 23-sq. m.
(250 ft2) net area for housekeeping equipment and supplies. Finish
floor, base, and wall at the mop receptor to resist water. Slip
resistant quarry tile or ceramic tiles are examples of acceptable
finishes. Provide a motion-activated light.
DOOR/LOCK REQUIREMENTS. Electric locks are required on
Room entrance doors and bedroom doors.
Provide each resident one key that opens the room entry door and
one closet (without access to the other closet). In single resident
rooms, the key may open both closets.
Provide padlocking slide bolt hardware for personal closets.
PARKING. In addition to the parking requirements outlined in
Chapter 10, provide a minimum of seven spaces for every ten residents.
Motorcycle parking should be provided as necessary; provide dedicated space