UFC 4-721-10
31 July 2002
Finishes should be easily cleaned and should endure hard use.
Provide rooms with light and power, and provide light dimmers.
Provide window coverings and hardware to allow for darkening of
the room with blinds or shades.
For Marine Corps: With the advent of Marine Online and the
military requirement of Marines to access the internet to review
military records and conduct personnel administration, multi-
purpose rooms are required to be wired with infrastructure to
support high speed internet access. Provide a minimum of 2 (two)
eight-pin data ports wired with Category 5e wiring and clean power
in each multi-purpose room.
Janitorial. Provide a 1.5 meter x 0.9 meter (5-foot x 3-foot) closet
for each Bay to house vacuum cleaner storage and janitor's sink
and faucet. Finish floor, base, and wall at the mop receptor to
resist water. Slip resistant quarry tile or ceramic tiles are examples
of acceptable finishes. Provide a motion-activated light.
Vending Area; (optional for recruit barracks)
Public Toilets; (optional for recruit barracks)
Public Telephone. Provide public pay telephone services in
multipurpose area (space). Provide at least one telephone station
accessible to handicapped or disabled persons.
OPTIONAL COMMON AREAS (SPACES). The following spaces
are optional common spaces in Open-Bay designs.
Automatic entry doors and weather vestibule;
Administration Area. Design administrative areas to provide the
staff with a secure, efficient, and comfortable environment from
which to manage the building.
Office Space. Provide other administrative office spaces as
Lobby, Vestibule, Reception Desk. Locate the lobby and its
vestibule for easy identification by arriving guests. Include a
seating area for visitors and guests waiting for transportation.
Locate the seating area for clear view of arriving automobiles and
of the front desk. Choose and arrange lighting fixtures to organize
and identify the space. Finish the lobby and entrance with
attractive, durable, and easily cleaned materials. Provide the
Reception Desk with enclosed space or counter/workspace.