Game rooms, craft rooms, and places where personnel can rehearse musical or
other programs are also available for teaching places.
Since the classrooms are available for other uses and not locked off, it
is clear that secure storage for teaching materials must be provided within
the rooms. Rooms that are to be used for younger people in the religious
educational program are best made subdividable because teaching younger ages
is best conducted in small groups. Rollaway dividers that have storage,
blackboards, and display surfaces are available commercially or may be custom
Even the smallest facility should have at least one classroom that seats
thirty adults; it may be subdividable.
Management Spaces. An office for a director of the religious
education program needs to be provided. In small facilities. this staff person
may be located in the administrative suite; in larger ones, there is reason
for locating this religious education staff person close to other spaces about
which the program functions. These other spaces are a storage and distribution
point for supplies and equipment (such as audiovisual aids) and a control
point for registering pupils and dealing with teachers.