DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
Development of Organizational Components
December 1979
Enclosures - Partitions around these spaces should
Enclosures - Less frequent changes can be antici-
continue to underside of structure above considera-
pated. Therefore, semi-fixed or permanent partitions
tion must be given to the use of increased sound
are appropriate (see requirements for flexibility). Use
transmission-rated partitions. Special purpose arms
carpeting and acoustical ceilings of suspended, ex-
and equipment storage vaults should be of fire-rated
posed grid, lay-in type or accessible, concealed
construction, consistant with current regulations.
spline, where appropriate, to enhance appearance
Acoustical celling in public meeting, conference, and
and reduce ambient noise levels.
briefing/training rooms should be limited access,
Lighting -
Recessed fluorescent where exposed grid
concealed type.
ceilings occur. Special lighting is required in critical
Lighting - Lighting in operations, conference, brief-
operations areas (dimming required) and in other
ing and training rooms should be fluorescent, capa-
special purpose areas. The use of direct task lighting
ble of dimming.
should be considered.
Power and Communication - Electrical and tele-
Power and Communication - Electric power and
phone requirements to be determined by the unique
telephone outlets generally located in partitions.
functions of each space.
HVAC- Heating and air conditioning for personnel
Heating and ventilating systems should have
areas (see requirements for flexibility). In special
sound traps on both supply and return ducts in inter-
view, interrogation, conference and briefing/training
rooms, controlled temperature and humidity are re-
rooms if confidential or damaging information is
quired. Separate systems should be utilized. Raised
usually disseminated. Systems for personnel ser-
floor should be installed for both air distribution and
vices (toilets, lockers and showers) and lounge
runs to supply necessary services for equipment.
areas should provide for 100% exhaust so as not to
Special Components - Special requirements exist
recirculate odors throughout the facility.
for an automatic emergency source or power for
(4) Public Spaces
tems using monitoring devices (CCTV I D alarms,
(a) Physical Attributes
etc.) linked to the MP desk and for other special
Flexibility - These are the most static spaces in the
equipment or functional areas where power outage
facility, with the possible exception of corridors, and
would jeopardize mission-effectiveness.
are not susceptible to frequent change although they
possess reserved space for future Internal expansion
(3) Special Purpose or Critical Operations Spaces
of locked-in operational space.
(a) Physical Attributes
Flexibility - These spaces should be considered as
standards, with the exception of lobby, where special
the most static and not subject to frequent change
treatment is appropriate.
Thus, the need for flexibility is minimal.
Security - Security of exterior doors and entire in-
ternal circulation system should be given detailed
task and function.
consideration and review, particularly in sensitive
areas. To be generally accomplished by CCTV
Security - Special personnel security provisions,
such as bullet-proof glass enclosures or panels (used
to enclose MP desk), should be considered for all
Acoustics - Acoustical treatment required for all
areas where the continuity of police operations may
spaces except stairs. Special acoustical considera-
be threatened by overt acts of violence.
tions should be given to mechanical equipment
Acoustic- Special acoustical treatment required for
rooms to prevent adverse noise penetration to adja-
cent spaces and to interview rooms to avoid high
critical interview rooms, briefing rooms, and pris-
oner/offender processing areas All other areas ex-
levels of ambient noise.
cept D-cells require standard acoustical treatment.
Comfort - Heating and air conditioning (see require-
ments for flexibility).
Aesthetics - Special treatment for conference and
lecture rooms to enhance aesthetic quality.
(b) Building Components
Comfort - Heating and air conditioning controlled
Module - The established building module should
to maintain comfort conditions. Some special sup-
port service areas may require controlled conditions.
(b) Building Components
Module - Module shall conform to building module
(see requirements for flexibility).
Enclosures - All spaces to be enclosed to the under
side of above structural floor with fixed partition of
Structural - Structural to be designed to support the
live load required by code of each special use space.