Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
DG 1110-3-146
Example Designs for Army Military Police Facilities: Illustrative Example B
December 1979
d. DESIGN GUIDELINES Comprehensive physical
development guidelines for illustrative Example B in-
Illustrative Example B
clude the following concepts:
(1) Physical Development The overall physical de-
Military Police Operations and Administration Facility
velopment for the functional activities of this specific
Medium Base Population: 8,000-20,000
MP organization will require comprehensive plan-
ning and design for new facilities. Medium range and
long range organizational development strategies
ple illustrates a specific approach to physical devel-
support the need for a phased construction sched-
ule. The primary long-term physical development ob-
and administration activities center. The total number of
people required to staff the TOE/TDA units authorized for
operational and subordinate troop support activities
a medium scale organization is typically 30-70 tempo-
essential to mission effectiveness.
rary and permanent duty military and civilian personnel.
However, to illustrate how planning and design re-
(2) Site Development The site location is on the
quirements might be developed for a slightly larger
perimeter of the main post area. The operational
project, the new MP facility for this installation has been
support facilities required by this activity, such as
planned to accommodate approximately 80 adminis-
operational vehicle access routes and secure park-
trative and operational personnel positions. This facility
ing should be directly related as shared facilities to
will serve as installation and unit support headquarters
related functional activities and traffic areas ClD Field
for military police administrative and operational activ-
Office facilities will share an access road for opera-
ities serving both on and off-post military and civilian
tional vehicles located on the secondary road. The
populations. As a principal advisory activity supporting
main public access will be from the intersection of
the installation commander and as a major subordinate
two primary circulation routes; one a major four lane
training activity of the installation, the MP station will
road that serves as the main route for installation
occupy a prominent position in the physical organization
rapid transit. Pedestrian access for staff and visitors
of both community service and criminal justice facilities.
should be located near this route. Vehicular and
pedestrian traffic will be separated and visitor, POV
and operational parking will be developed as discrete
tional activity and working relationships developed in
support facilities using a variety of screening tech-
the programming phase has indicated that a close phys-
niques. A large open but secure area will be re-
ical relationship to the local CID activity would enhance
quired for guard mount activities. This is in addition
the effectiveness of Military Police operations.
to the general requirements particular to the secure
area. Expansion is projected for certain administra-
tive and operational activities and should be provided
sive long-range development and consolidation of crim-
for by unobstructed site development. Physical de-
inal justice and police support activities takes place, and
velopment constraints caused by requirements for
as law-enforcement technology and operational tech-
expansion and building space flexibility together with
niques change and develop, the present functional ac-
the scale of adjacent facilities suggest the need for a
tivities as well as additional specialized support activites,
multi-story (2 level) scheme for space organization.
such as SJA and special security operations will be
This is a desirable project objective in that site con-
consolidated in the area of the MP facility on a phased
servation is a primary objective of installation master
construction basis. The long-range physical develop-
planning within the main post area.
ment program also includes expansion of requirements
for the increasingly important role of special community
(3) Facilities The scope and complexity of physical
education activities required by individual operational
needs require that efficiency and economy govern
the design of both MP administrative and operational
units as well as the shared use and special facilities
required by specific law enforcement and crime preven-
facilities. Distinctive site and building elements must
tion support and training activities. In terms of the spe-
be coordinated with adjacent facilities. Provisions
cific short-range planning and design requirements for
should be made for maximum interior space flexi-
physical and organizational development, the require-
bility. A method of incremental expansion should be
provided that is appropriate to the functional re-
ments for shared or joint operational support facilities
have been considered as part of the basic provisions for
quirements and design objectives of future activities.
expansion. They are considered to be essential to the
long-range effectiveness of both critical operations and
will eventually require joint occupancy by other law
specific mission accomplishment. Therefore, the strat-
enforcement and investigation activities. Where pos-
sible, common-use facilities should be so located that
egy for physical development should recognize these
long-range physical requirements as primary planning
they can meet long-term joint occupancy require-
ments efficiently and economically