DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
December 1979
Example Designs for Army Military Police Facilities: Illustrative Example C
ities limit the selection of facility locations. According
to general design guidance an ideal situation would
lllustrative Example C
be the development of a square site with potential for
shared use of the primary support facilities. Also a
slope gradient allowing ground level access with
direction of access visually separated by contour
size MP facility. The total number of people required to
development and landscaping or by the natural utili-
staff the TOE/TDA units authorized for a small scale mili-
zation of a partially wooded site is ideal where full site
tary police organization is typically up to 39 temporary
development is consistent with efficiency and econ-
and permanent duty military and civilian personnel. To
omy of land use and the intensity of development
illustrate the planning and design requirements for this
designated by the overall installation master plan.
specific project, a new facility for this particular level and
However, because of the scale of operations required
intensity of operation has been planned to accommo-
in the first phase of development and because loca-
date approximately 50 administrative and operational
tions away from the main post areas area will not
personnel. This facility will serve as the principal support
satisfy the essential requirements for major traffic and
facility for satellited military police administrative and
pedestrian access to MP facilities, site development
operational activities. As the primary installation activity
must take place on a rectangular site where, due to
supporting the law enforcement and crime prevention
the reduced area and width, maximum conservation
responsibilities of the installation commander and as the
of existing site elements will not be possible.
major subordinate troop activity, the MP facility will oc-
(3) Facilities Although the limited scope and sim-
cupy a prominent position in the physical organization of
plicity of physical needs mandate efficiency and
the main post activities area.
economy as primary in the design of both MP admin-
istrative and operational facilities, distinctive site and
b. RELATED ACTIVITIES While not directly related to
building elements should be developed to enhance
any specific functional activity, a working relationship
the main post area. Provisions should be made in any
with existing community service facilities will be bene-
case for maximum interior space flexibility. A method
ficial to the efficient functioning of MP operations. These
of incremental expansion should be provided that is
activities are presently spaced along a perimeter of the
appropriate to the functional requirements and de-
main post area.
sign objectives of future activities. The total consolida-
tion of post activities near the headquarters facility will
eventually require joint occupancy by other law en-
forcement and investigation activities. Where possi-
hensive development of community activities takes
ble, potential common-use of parking facilities should
place, and as law-enforcement technology and oper-
be identified in order to meet the long-term possibili-
ational techniques change and develop, the present
ties for joint occupancy or shared-use in an efficient
satellited functional activities, as well as other specialized
and economical manner.
support activities will require increases in the area re-
quirement for activities. The long-range physical devel-
(4) Individual Functional Requirements (To be
opment program also includes expansion of require-
developed according to individual space criteria and
ments for operational support facilities for individual
the space organization guidance for the component
planning units.
activities). For specific guidance refer to Chapters 2
and 4.
d. DESIGN GUIDELINES Comprehensive physical
development guidelines for Illustrative Example C in-
clude the following concepts:
der to achieve a broad application of planning criteria for
the full spectrum of required military police activities and
(1) Physical Development The overall project de-
to permit orderly expansion of component activity areas
velopment strategy for providing the functional re-
when required, a concept of space organization is pro-
quirements of this MP organization will require com-
posed for the principal administrative and operational
prehensive planning and design for new facilities.
activities and the general functional support areas re-
Medium range and long range organizational devel-
quired by individual military police activities. The basic
opment strategies support the need for a phased
physical development objectives of specific activity
construction schedule. The primary long-term phys-
areas are.
ical development objective is the eventual expansion
of MP related administrative, operation activities cor-
(1) The achievement of required planning and de-
responding to anticipated changes in the primary
sign standards and the development of a functionally
missions of supported activities.
integrated military police facility
(2) Site Development The physical and functional
(2) The maintenance of functional Integrity within
requirements of operational and administrative activ-
major component areas