Army Continuing Education System Centers - indexArmy Continuing Education System Centers - ufc_4_730_09a0001Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) - ufc_4_730_09a0002Foreword - ufc_4_730_09a0003Foreword - Cont'd - ufc_4_730_09a0004Design Guide Army Continuing Education System CentersList off FiguresList off Figures - Cont'dChapter 1 Introduction - ufc_4_730_09a0015Emphasis - ufc_4_730_09a0016Definitions Definitions - Cont'd - ufc_4_730_09a0018General - ufc_4_730_09a0019StudentsStaffAnalyzing the SiteDeveloping the building ProgramTable 2-1 Maximum Space AllowancesTable 2-2 Projected Space-Type UtilizationDeveloping the building Program (Cont'd) - ufc_4_730_09a0026Developing the building Program (Cont'd) - ufc_4_730_09a0027Developing the building Program - Cont'dRelated Furnishing and EquipmentGeneral - ufc_4_730_09a0030Site Development - ufc_4_730_09a0031Site Development - Cont'd - ufc_4_730_09a0032Site Development - Cont'd - ufc_4_730_09a0033Building Design - ufc_4_730_09a0034Building Design - cont'd - ufc_4_730_09a0035Figure 3-1 Glass Shading, South ElevationFigure 3-2 Modular General Instruction SpaceBuilding Design - cont'd - ufc_4_730_09a0038Building Design - cont'd - ufc_4_730_09a0039Figure 3-3 Optimum LightingFigure 3-4 Bat-Wing Lighting Distribution Life SafetyFigure 3-5 Pictograph of Fire ExtinguisherFigure 3-6 Safety MarkingTable 3-1 Sound Reduction GoalsAcoustics - ufc_4_730_09a0046Figure 3-7 Sound Control In ClassroomsTable 3-2 Comparative Cost and Flexibility of Wall SystemsFigure 3-9 Recessed Room ExitSignage - ufc_4_730_09a0050Figure 3-10 Identification SignsSelection FactorsProvision of User Information - ufc_4_730_09a0053Equipment and FurnitureFigure 4-1 Director's OfficeFigure 4-2 Administrator's OfficeInformation/Registration/Clerk/Typist SpaceFigure 4-3 Information/Registration/Clerk/Typist SpaceFigure 4-4 Counselor OfficesFigure 4-5 ClassroomFigure 4-6 Lecture RoomFigure 4-7 Seminar RoomsFigure 4-8 MOS LibraryFigure 4-9 Self-Paced InstructionFigure 4-10 Language LaboratoryFigure 4-11 Science Laboratoryfigure 4-12. Testing RoomFigure 4-13 Rehearsal/Recording StudioVocational Training SpacesHeating/Refrigeration/Air Conditioning ShopFigure 4-14 Heating/Refrigeration/Air Conditioning ShopFigure 4-15 Construction Electrician ShopCommunication/Industrial Electronics ShopFigure 4-16 Communication/Industrial Electronic ShopMasonry ShopFigure 4-17 Masonry ShopCarpentry ShopFigure 4-18 Carpentry ShopPlumbing ShopFigure 4-19 Plumbing ShopDiesel Mechanics shopFigure 4-20 Diesel Mechanics ShopAuto Mechanics ShopFigure 4-21 Auto Mechanics ShopWelding Shop - ufc_4_730_09a0085Figure 4-22 Welding ShopAuto Body Repair Shop - ufc_4_730_09a0087Auto Body Repair Shop - ufc_4_730_09a0087_copy1Figure 4-23 Auto Body Repair Shop - ufc_4_730_09a0088Figure 4-23 Auto Body Repair Shop - ufc_4_730_09a0088_copy1Small Engine Repair Shop - ufc_4_730_09a0089Small Engine Repair Shop - ufc_4_730_09a0089_copy1Figure 4-24 Small Engine Repair Shop - ufc_4_730_09a0090Figure 4-24 Small Engine Repair Shop - ufc_4_730_09a0090_copy1Figure 4-25 Staff LoungeFigure 4-26 Student LoungeFigure 4-27 Vending Area - ufc_4_730_09a0093Figure 4-28 Training Aids PreparationToiletsFigure 4-29 ToiletsFigure 4-30 Receiving and General StorageFigure 4-31 Janitor ClosetTable 4-1 Summary of Environmental Criteria for Individual SpacesGeneral - ufc_4_730_09a0100Figure 5-1 Parallel Organization SchemeFigure 5-3 Dispersed Organization SchemePrinciples Related to Functional LayoutPrinciples Related to Structure and Environmental SupportExample Design Scheme A for 6,000 Military StrengthTable 6-1 Example Staffing for Military Strength of 6,000Table 6-2 Typical Semester Courses & Enrollment Based on 10-Year ProjectionTable 6-3 Example Projected Space Type UtilizationTable 6-4 Number of Academic Spaces Needed-ExampleTable 6-7 Support Space Requirements-ExampleTable 6-8 Tabulated Space Requirements and Occupant CapacityFigure 6-1 Basic Spatial Organization-Scheme AFigure 6-2 Example Plan-Scheme A Education Center for 6000 Military StrengthFigure 6-3 Basic Spatial Organization-Scheme A-1Figure 6-4 Example Plan Scheme A-1 Education Center For 6,000 Military StrengthTable 6-9 Example Staffing For Military Strength Of 10,500Table 6-10 Tabulated Space Requirements And Occupant CapacityFigure 6-5 Basic Spatial Organization-Scheme BFigure 6-6 Example Plan Scheme-B Education center for 10,500 Military StrengthFigure 6-7 Basic Spatial Organization-Scheme B-1Figure 6-8 Example Plan Scheme B-1 Education Center for 10,500 Military StrengthTable 6-11 Example Staffing for Military Strength of 21,000Table 6-12 Tabulated Space Requirements and Occupant CapacityFigure 6-9 Basic Spatial Organization -- Scheme CFigure 6-10 Example PlanScheme C Education Center for 21,000 Military StrengthFigure 6-11 Basic Spatial OrganizationScheme C-1Design Solution - ufc_4_730_09a0127Example Design Scheme C-1 for 21,000 Military Strength Figure 6-12 Example Plan-Scheme C-1 Education Center for 21,000 Military Strength