UFC 4-740-02
26 September 2006
Document: UFC 4-740-02
Superseding: UFC 7-740-02N, Design: Indoor Fitness/Recreational Facilities.
Description: This UFC consolidates the single service design criteria for fitness
facilities. It also identifies the differences between fitness programs offered by the
individual services. Information regarding aquatic facilities and pools is not included in
this UFC. Information regarding recreations centers is in UFC 4-740-16, Military
Recreation Centers.
Reasons for Document: This UFC contains the criteria for determining the appropriate
size of a fitness facility based on base population. It also provides information on the
fitness programs offered by each service to allow for a fitness facility design that meets
the individual service and base requirements. It provides non-Government standard
resources that provide guidance in the design of fitness facilities.
Impact: Cost impacts are negligible. However, having this information in a single
document should decrease design time and design expense.