DG 1110.3.120
that can be kept dust free and locked to prevent
damage to delicate equipment. A combination
of fluorescent and incandescent, non-specular
lighting will help reduce eyestrain. The bench
will have racks for test equipment, drawers for
This section is devoted to backstage fittings and
parts and small tools and controlled three-phase
essential production equipment required for an
AC power supply. The remainder of the shop will
operational facility. Basic criteria for support ac-
have storage for instruments and some of the
tivities are set forth in Sections 3-9 and 3-11.
heavier equipment, cable reels, clamps, pipes
Costume Workshops require good ventilation
and booms, lamp and filter storage and hand
tools. Some pre-assembly work will take place
terior views help combat eyestrain. Deep shelv-
ing for bulk material storage is needed, with sev-
Musical instrument repair cannot be done in
eral mothproof lockers. The design area should
a scene or general maintenance shop. The work
have a pattern drafting table 3 x 6 or larger, with
area must be clear of dirt and undue noise. Ide-
overhead diffuse lighting. The construction area
ally, it will have a stable temperature and hu-
requires two or more 3 x 6 cutting tables, a
midity. Repair work may involve carving, shap-
workbench and hand tools, sewing machines
ing, gluing, brazing and metalwork on a small
and ironing board. If fitting takes place in the
scale as well as electronics. Some repairs will
shop, it requires full-length dressing mirrors,
take a considerable time during which the work-
podium, and ample space to move about (10
piece should remain undisturbed. Therefore, two
x 15) while checking the fit. A separate laundry
or more small workbenches are recommended,
is recommended, and possibly a dye shop.
Scene Shops will be as elaborate as the scenery
closet should be provided for instruments await-
ing attention.
is complex. A good scene shop will be two or
three times the size of the acting area in order
The selection of shop tools and equipment is
to layout, cut and assemble flats and frames,
best done by the skilled personnel or crew chiefs
shift them about and set them up for inspection.
who will use them. Since this may not be prac-
Woodworking and welding equipment need a
ticable, an initial inventory might be guided by
clear-area on all sides to work frames flat, up to
the ideal that every piece of equipment should
20 feet long and 6 or 8 feet wide. Both linear bulk
pay for itself through long service, versatility and
storage for lumber, plywood, pipe, etc., and ver-
frequent use. The MDC staff should carefully
tical storage of flats must be immediately acces-
evaluate the kinds of on-going activity it can rea-
sible. Overhead rigging is required.
sonably expect to sustain and choose a basic
A separate paint shop in which an entire drop
complement before purchasing specialized or
sophisticated machinery. After working with it
can be set up and worked on, should be well
for a few productions, special needs will become
ventilated and heated, equipped with a utility
sink, paint lockers and storage bins. Drops are
as wide as 1 times the acting area width, 16 to
In hand tools, we suggest good quality for hard
20 feet high. A winched painter's scaffold is a
use but not the very best cabinetmaker equip-
necessity. Adequate lighting of two kinds is re-
ment. A high level of volunteer participation will
quired-daylight fluorescent and stage flood in-
require multiples of basic items, many of which
candescent. Flats should be moved into and out
will be inadvertently lost, thrown away or
of the paint shop in a straight line, either to shop
storage or to the stage.
An electricians shop should be located just
Practicality in selecting power tools depends on
several factors besides budget and intended use.
offstage with ready access to stagehouse light-
ing galleries, gridiron and the loft space over the
and the maintenance services available there, it
house. The shop is used primarily for repair and
may be wisest to purchase all power tools
maintenance of lighting instruments and stage
through a reputable supply house that will guar-
cables, but it may also serve the sound system
antee repairs and spare parts, or from a nation-
and other electronic equipment. Therefore, a
wide distributor of a good quality line for which
separate repair bench area is recommended, one
parts and servicing are available at local sales