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DG 1110-3-126
August 1976
project designs. Additional information must be obtained
from the installation pertaining to the unique require-
ments of the users and the locational constraints and
opportunities of the site.
Maximum space allowances for Auto Crafts Centers
are discussed in Department of Defense Construction Cri-
teria Manual 4270.1-M, Chapter 3. These allowances are
based on the authorized projected military population of
the using installation. Military population is defined as the
military strength plus ten percent of the dependent popu-
lation and ten percent of the retired military personnel
living in the area. Although an Auto Crafts Center of
17,000 square feet which serve a military population of
15,000 to 20,000 was chosen to illustrate the criteria con-
tained in the guide, the criteria contained herein are
applicable to all sizes of facilities.
d. Example designs are provided in Chapter 5 for both
a new facility of 17,000 square feet and for converting
a facility as found space containing 20,000 square feet.
Special emphasis shall be placed on the quality of
architectural design since it vitally affects the Iongevity,
economics, usefulness and efficiency of Auto Crafts Cen-
ters. In addition to considerations of Iife-cycle economy
and functional efficiency, a prime requirement of the
architectural design shall be the attractiveness of both the
interior and exterior facilities. An overall interior design
scheme should be developed in conjunction with the
building design of all new facilities and of major altera-
tions to existing facilities. Items that must be procured
using other than construction funds should be pro-
grammed early and scheduled for procurement as appro-
b. As part of the overall design, a users information
book should be assembled to help provide instructions on
maintaining and operating the facility to maximum advan-
tage. The book should cover major design intentions for
the utilization of the facility and its interior spaces, and
related information concerning environmental controls,
mechanical facilities and housekeeping in general.