Design Guide: Recreation Centers Case Studies January 1976
12 carrels for letter writing, record and tape
encouraged. There is a rap session held twice
listening, music taping, and other individual
weekly and normally involving 50 people;
activities (30 SF each)
smaller sessions also occur. The spontaneous
24 jack locations in lounge areas
informal use of musical instruments is very
1 active game area for 2 pingpong tables, 8
popular; there are at least two sessions nightly
billiard tables, 4 air hockey machines, and
involving about 20 people; this should remain
10 pinball machines (3,785 SF)
constant. A minimum of 30 requests are
received nightly for ear phones or recording
(4) Special Interest. Separate space is
required to accommodate 60 people involved in
(4) Special Interest. These activities include
activities or meeting space for 50 people (1200
the following: women's groups (60); Chess Club
(60); Skiing Club (80); Scuba Club (40); and
(5) Refreshment. Since there is no full-scale
Coffee House for social awareness (70).
food service nearby, there is a need for one to
These activities center
be incorporated into this Center.
(5) Refreshment.
around an 84-seat snack bar with electric game
area, as recommended by AAFES.
d. SPACES REQUIRED. The following spatial
requirements have been derived from existing
and planned Center activities and programs:
(1) Administrative. Recommended in chap-
ter 4 for five full-time staff,
(2) Large Group. Central program area
sizing is complex because of different sizes of
groups handled weekends and weekdays. The
weekend social would require about 4,500 SF
maximum. The solution must be to develop a
central program area as a large space with
several adjoining lounges that can be used to
hold people socializing during dances and other
activities during weekdays. The central program
space should accommodate 300 with adjoining
lounge space for 100.
300 x 10 SF = 3,000 SF
100 x 15 SF = I,5OO SF
4,500 SF
(3) Small Group. As Centers become larger,
less and less overlap occurs with small group
spaces. Individual space requirements in Chap-
ter 4 govern:
Figure 6-7 Spatial Diagram 27,800 SF Center
2 enclosed multipurpose spaces for 30 people
involved with private meetings, music,
taping of music, etc. (150 SF each)
1 open multipurpose space for 30 people
involved in quiet activities (150 SF each)
2 enclosed spaces for 10 people involved in
noisy activities (150 SF each)
1 open space for 10 people involved in card
playing (150 SF each)