6-3.3.7 Notice Boards:
N o t i c e boards help control clutter and can
r e a d i I y accommodate changing information. T h e y should be used throughout
t h e building wherever they will be most useful. A general notice board
s h o u l d be located in the entry of the club.
Smaller boards may be
l o c a t e d next to entrances to activity areas where there is a need to
e l a b o r a t e upon the type of activity inside, or to give the names of
participants or staff involved, schedules, etc.
S i m p l e notice boards can
b e created by providing a 2 ` to 6' wide field of a solid base color
s u r m o u n t e d at the 7' level by a 6" w h i t e board with the word "Notices" in
O n e or two narrow cork strips at the 6' and 4' levels
s h o u l d be provided as required for thumbtacking notices.
6-3.4.1 General:
F u r n i t u r e and equipment will be selected from
m a n d a t o r y sources based upon the durabiIity, comfort and safety required
f o r the intended use.
Furniture is an integral part of the overall design
scheme, a n d wilI be closely coordinated with the selection of colors
f i n i s h materials for consistency in appearance and quality.
I terns
r e q u i r e m e n t s are covered in Section 3, Individual Space Criteria.
t h a t wiII be pro c u r e d a s p a r t o f t h e co n s t r u c t i o n c o n t r a c t and t h o s e
t h a t will be procured by others must both be specified, (see paragraph
6-3.4.2 Durability, Comfort and Safety: Careful attention must be
given to all interior furnishings to insure that the type of furniture
c h o s e n conforms to standards of durabiIity, c o m f o r t and safety appropriate
for the use they will receive.
Being generally mobile, furniture items
a r e subject to handling.
P a r t s that receive the most wear should be
r e p l a c e a b l e , a n d finishes should sustain regular cleaning.
t e x t u r e s , s i z e s , p r o p o r t i o n s , s h a p e s and reflections are important comfort
f a c t o r s that should be considered.
F u r n i t u r e and equipment must withstand
l o a d i n g conditions without damage.
Edges and surfaces should be smooth
and rounded. M a t e r i a l s m u s t b e f l a m e - r e t a r d a n t .
6-3.4.3 Mobility and Interchangeability: Most interior furnishings
s h o u l d not be of a scale which would require more than two persons to
r e l o c a t e them, o r be so complicated as to require an undue amount of time
t o assemble or disassemble.
W h e n e v e r possible, c a r e should be taken to
choose multi-purpose furnishings aesthetically suitable for a variety of
needs and activities.
S t a c k a b l e and foldable furniture should be
c o n s i d e r e d for reducing bulkiness in storage and transport where such
requirements exist.