UFC 4-740-14
1 August 2002
UFC 4-740-14 provides guidelines for evaluating and planning
the site, determining programming requirements, establishing space distribution needs,
determining building size, and designing all outdoor and indoor spaces for Tri-Service
and Marine Corps child development center (CDC) facilities to support the child
development program. (Throughout this UFC, the term Tri-services is intended to
include the Marine Corps, except where specifically indicated.) The information in this
UFC applies to the design of all new construction projects as well as renovation
projects. Renovation projects should update existing facilities to meet the guidance and
criteria within budgetary constraints. Further, this UFC serves as an ongoing program
management tool within the Tri-Service child development programs. This UFC is not
intended as a substitution during design for thorough review by individual Child
Development Program Managers in each of the Services.
APPLICABILITY. UFC 4-740-14 is intended to be a source of basic
architectural information for all individuals involved in the planning, programming,
design or evaluation of CDC facilities and managing a child development program.
Note: where one or more Service's criteria vary from the other Services' criteria, it is
noted in the text with the
(Service Exception) symbol. If a Navy exception is
noted, it does not apply to the Marine Corps unless specifically noted. Specific users of
this UFC include the following:
Architects and Engineers. Architects and Engineers (A/Es) who will
provide design services under the direction of the individual design agencies, including
the Naval Facilities Engineering Command and the Air Force Civil Engineer.
Tri-Service Planning Personnel. These individuals must use this UFC
for pre-design planning or to assess the extent of improvements required in an existing
center in order to achieve the established standard.
Headquarters Staff
Major Command Staff
Installation Commanders
Installation Facilities Management
Installation Technical Proponents
Program Directors
Facility Staff