UFC 4-740-14
1 August 2002
Personal Computer(s) With Internet Access.
The Air Force requires
personal computers with Internet access. Provide the necessary space,
power, and data requirements.
Wall clock
PUBLIC/STAFF TOILETS. In small CDCs, consider combining public and
staff toilets. In medium to larger facilities, provide separate public and staff toilets.
Toilets do not need to be separated by gender. Design all toilets to comply with barrier
free accessible requirements.
Minimum Requirements. Minimum requirements are as follows:
Small CDCs - one unisex public and one unisex staff toilet.
Medium CDCs - one unisex public and two unisex staff toilets.
Large CDCs - one unisex public and three unisex staff toilets.
Toilets. Locate public toilet adjacent to lobby/reception area. Locate staff
toilet(s) adjacent to staff/training room and children's activity rooms. At least one of the
staff toilets accessible from the corridor and the public toilet should require keyed entry.
No vision panels are required. See paragraph 7-2 for more information on toilets and
GENERAL STORAGE. Provide a separate storage room for shared
program materials, audiovisual equipment, and other resource materials located near
staff/administrative area. In the initial design process, the designer should elicit the
number and approximate size of anticipated equipment that will need to be stored.
Provide shelving appropriate for efficient organization and storage of materials and
equipment. Utilize a combination of low open shelving, baskets, drawers, cabinets with
doors, boxes, chests, hooks that do not present a hazard, adult height shelves, wall-
hung cabinets, storage bags, buckets, crates and bins. Provide a keyed lockset and
vision panels in doors. Keep the top 460 mm (18 in.) from the ceiling clear for sprinkler
MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM. Verify the need for a multi-purpose room with
the Service contacts noted below. When provided, accommodate children 24 months to
6 years of age for large group activities, wheel toy play, exercise, group games, or
indoor play in extremely hot or cold climates. This room may also support other
activities such as parenting classes and staff training. Specify sound absorbing
materials for ceilings and upper portions of walls and between this room and adjoining
rooms. Provide high ceilings and a hard, durable and washable wall finish and storage