Chapter 5
In designing the Community Activity Center, relationships
between functional spaces of the consolidated programs
are critical. These may be positive relationships which
the design should reflect and encourage; visibility, acces-
sibility, space sharing, programmatic coordination and
support. These may also include negative or conflict sit-
uations which the design should control; acoustic interfer-
ence, dirt transmission, exposed hazards, conflicting
crowd movement. The following summarize generalized
relationship considerations to be applied as appropriate
to each CAC design.
a. Specific Program-to-
Program Relationships
Tables 5 - 1 and 5 - 2 indicate significant relationships
between individual functional spaces of the primary pro-
grams included in the Community Activity Center. Com-
ments on the relationships of each program to all other
parts of the center are presented in paragraph b, below.
(1) Complementary Program Relationships (see
table 5 - 1):
Program Coordination/Direct Support - significant
opportunities for coordinated program operation, such as
audio-visual functions and specialized book collections
between library and music or theatre, or child care and
arts and crafts jointly developing children's crafts activi-
ties, and direct program support relationships, such as
the recreation area snack bar serving refreshments for
music performance intermissions, or arts and crafts
woodworking supporting theatre set production.
Multipurpose Meeting Room Sharing - space shar-
ing opportunities for classes, clubs, music practice and
listening, theatre rehearsals, small group meetings,
dance and exercise, special child care activities, etc.
Gymnasium Space Sharing - multipurpose/large
space sharing potentials, for athletics, theatre and music
performances, dances, banquets, entertainment pro-
grams and other events.
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