UFC 4-740-20
1 May 2006
general guide for appropriate lighting levels unless other specific lighting requirements
are identified.
Alarm Systems
Provide an alarm system for intrusion detection to protect equipment and assets.
Provisions for an alarm system must be justified during the planning/programming
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
CCTV is designed to deter and reduce the risk of child abuse and protect staff from any
unwarranted allegations of child abuse. Provide CCTV components and infrastructure,
including cameras, monitors, conduit, cabling, power, and junction boxes as required for
a complete and operational system. Place monitors at the circulation desk where they
can be easily viewed by staff and in manned sections of administrative or technical
services areas.
The acoustical design concept should provide an environment in which wanted
language sounds are heard and unwanted sounds are controlled, dissipated, and/or
absorbed. Examine noise relationships between activity areas and provide appropriate
acoustic protection, where needed. Zone quiet activity spaces away from noisy activity
Exterior Noise
Minimizing exterior noise is typically required only when the center is adjacent to or near
aircraft flight paths, major highways, or busy rail lines. The installation commander and
community planner must approve use of sites exposed to high noise levels. Consult
with the base civil engineer regarding the approval of sites exposed to high noise levels.
If proximity to high levels of noise is unavoidable, acoustical measures are necessary.
Maximum acceptable noise levels depend upon which area of the library is subjected to
the noise and whether the sound is continuous or intermittent.
Interior Noise