UFC 4-740-20
1 May 2006
outlets, and special interest teen items, like magazines. Provide computer stations with
earphones and computer data ports for laptops, where possible.
Special Collections
Examples of special collections include the Air Force Chief of Staff (CSAF)
recommended reading lists, leased books, current events, local interest items,
testing/educational materials, learning programs, and college course materials. These
collections are segregated from the general collections stacks. Requirements for special
collections will vary at each installation. Provide a designated area for a paperback
book swap display.
Audio/Visual Collections
Locate A/V collections in a highly visible area, preferably near the circulation desk
where staff members can provide assistance easily. A/V materials include video home
system (VHS) and digital versatile disk (DVD) movies, music and other compact disks
(CDs), books on tape, tutorials, and instructional materials. Provide appropriate
shelving, cabinets, and browser boxes for the media of each collection.
Audio/Visual Viewing and Listening Stations
Provide equipment for audio and video stations according to the requirements of each
collection. Verify equipment requirements with each base library director, since special
equipment requirements may be required depending upon the A/V collection items at
each base. Locate A/V viewing and listening stations away from major activities and
reading areas. Provide separate, sound-proof booths, where possible, and headphones
for equipment at each station located in open areas. At least one station must be
ADAAG compliant. A/V reviewing rooms should have one machine per room or station.
Provide data ports for laptops and convenience electrical outlets at A/V stations in
addition to the electrical requirements for the planned A/V equipment to be utilized at
each station. Include cable television (CATV) outlets at viewing stations to allow current
or future connectivity to the base television and communications resources.
Reference Desks
Locate the reference desk near the reference collection stacks. Include a consultation
area with seating for customers and library staff adjacent to the reference desk. Provide
accommodations for an ILS computer terminal for staff use at the reference desk.
Consider the impact of limited staffing for some small and expeditionary libraries. The
reference desk may need to be combined with the circulation desk when staff or space
is limited.
Reference Collections
Reference collections will be installation specific and typically include lower height book
stacks, file cabinets for maps and pamphlets, and dictionary and atlas stands. Provide
tables and chairs for viewing reference materials, since they are not usually checked
Periodical areas include display shelving for magazines, newspaper racks, lounge
chairs, accessory tables, and work tables. Provide a comfortable and inviting reading