TI 850-02
AFMAN 32-1125(I)
1 MARCH 2000
Proper track restoration will involve remedial work that requires special attention. It is essential that this
work be done by skilled workers, with knowledgeable and attentive supervision.
As indicated in the report, there are still some areas that need further examination before detailed
contract specifications can be made, particularly in the improvement of drainage in areas where track
washouts have occurred. These additional determinations should be included as part of the final design
If the design work is to be contracted to an outside organization, it is recommended that a single
design/inspection package be considered. Having the track work designed and inspected by the same
organization has great potential for improved quality control and accountability throughout the project.
To further clarify the work plan and contract specifications, the work requirements (by type and location)
should be marked in the field, whenever practical. This might include: marking with paint those switch
ties that need replacement, setting flags or stakes to indicate the limits where extra shoulder ballast is
required, painting a code at each road crossing to indicate which type of reconstruction is to be done, and
noting any other indicators that may help guide the field work.