TM 5-628/AFR 91-44
This manual has been prepared by or for the Government and,
except to the extent indicated below, is public property and not
subject to copyright.
Copyrighted material included in the manual has been used with the
knowledge and permission of the proprietors and is acknowledged
as such at point of use. Anyone wishing to make further use of any
copyrighted material, by itself and apart from this text, should
seek necessary permission directly from the proprietors.
Reprints or republications of this manual should include a credit
substantially as follows: Department of the Army, TM 5-628/AFR
91-44, Railroad Track Standards, 8 April 1991.
If the reprint or republication included copyrighted material, the
credit should also state: "Anyone wishing to make further use of
copyrighted material, by itself and apart from this text, should seek
necessary permission directly from the proprietors."