Noise and Vibration Control Noise and Vibration ControlUnified Facilities Criteria (UFC) - ufc_3_450_010002Foreword - ufc_3_450_010003 Noise and Vibration Control Chapter 1. General - ufc_3_450_010010Chapter 2.Noise and Vibration CriteriaFigure 2-1. Noise Criterion (NC) CurvesFigure 2-2. Room Criterion (RC) CurvesVibration Criteria In BuildingsTable 2-2. Speech Interference Levels (SIL) That Permit Barely Acceptable Speech Intelligibility at the Distances and Voice Levels ShownFigure 2-3. Approximate Sensitivity and ResponseFigure 2-4. Vibration Criteria for Damage Risk to BuildingsFigure 2-5. Vibration Criteria for Sensitive Equipment in BuildingsFigure 2-6. Vibration Acceleration Levels of a Large Vibrating Surface that Will Produce Radiated Sound LevelsChapter 3: Sound Distribution IndoorsRoom ConstantTable 3-1. Reduction of SPL in (dB) in Going from Normalized 3-ft.. Distance and 800-ft.2 Room Constant to Any Other Distance and Room ConstantSample Calculations - ufc_3_450_010023Figure 3-2. Room Constant EstimateTable 3-3. Sound Absorption Coefficients of General Building Materials and FurnishingsTable 3-4. Low Frequency Multipliers For Room ConstantsTable 3-5. Summary of Data and Calculations Illustrating Use of Equation 3-1.Table 3-6. Summary of Data and Calculations Illustrating Use of Equation 3-2Chapter 4. Sound Isolation Between RoomsTable 4-1. Wall or Floor Correction Term "C" for Use in the Equation NR = TL + "C"Influence of air spaceFigure 4-2. Natural Frequency of a Double Wall With an Air SpaceFigure 4-3. Schematic Illustration of Flanking Paths of SoundFibrous blanketsTable 4-2. Transmission Loss (in DB) of Defense Poured Concrete or Solid Core Concrete Block or MasonryTable 4-3. Transmission Loss (in DB) of Hollow Core Dense Concrete Block or MasonryTable 4-4. Transmission Loss (in DB) of Cinder Block or other Lightweight Porous Block Material with Impervious Skin on Both Sides to Seal PoresTable 4-5. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Dense PlasterTable 4-6. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Stud-Type PartitionsTable 4-6. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Stud-Type Partitions. (Cont'd)Table 4-7. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Plywood, Lumber, and Simple Wood DoorsTable 4-8. Transmission LASS (in dB) of Glass Walls or Windows Nonflat floor slabsTable 4-10. Transmission Loss (in dB) of a Filled Metal Panel Partition and Several Commercially Available Acoustic DoorsTable 4-11. Approximate Transmission Loss (in DB) of Aluminum, Steel and LeadTable 4-12. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Type 1 Floor-Ceiling CombinationsTable 4-15. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Type 4 Floor-Ceiling CombinationsFigure 4-4. Typical Floating Floor ConstructionFigure 4-5. Suggested Applications and Details of Floating Floors for Improvement of Airborne Sound Transmission LossFigure 4-7. Nonflat Concrete FloorsChapter 5. Sound Propagation OutdoorsFigure 5-1. Inverse Square Law of Sound PropagationTable 5-1. Molecular Absorption Coefficients, dB per 1000 ft., as a Function of Temperature and Relative HumidityTable 5-2. Values of Anomalous Excess Attenuation per 1000 ftTable 5-4. Distance Term (DT), in dB, at Distances of 80 ft. to 8000 ftFigure 5-2. Downwind Sound DiffractionFigure 5-4. Effects of Temperature Gradients on Sound PropagationFigure 5-6. Parameters and Geometry of Outdoor Sound BarrierTable 5-6. Insertion Loss of an Ideal Solid Outdoor BarrierFigure 5-7. Examples of Surfaces That Can Reflect Sound Around or Over a Barrier WallFigure 5-8. Compound BarriersFigure 5-9. Edge Effects at End of BarrierTable 5-7. Approximate Noise Reduction of Typical Exterior Wall ConstructionsFigure 5-10. Elevation Profile of Cooling Tower Used in ExampleTable 5-9. Location "B" Cooling Tower ProblemChapter 6.Airborne Sound ControlOutdoor Sound Problem And AnalysisNoise Control TreatmentsDamping materialsDissipative mufflers - ufc_3_450_010070Chapter 7. Air Distribution Noise for Heating,Ventilating,and Air Conditioning SystemsNoise level predictionControl Of Fan Noise In A Duct Distribution SystemFigure 7-1. Good and Poor Air Delivery Conditions to Air OutletsTable 7-2. Approximate Natural Attenuation in Unlined Sheet-Metal DuctsTable 7-3. Attenuation in Lined DuctsProcedure For Calculating Noise Control Requirements For An Air Distribution SystemTable 7-5. End Reflection LossCalculation ExampleTable 7-7. Representative IL Values for Sound Attenuators End lossFigure 7-2. Plan View of Supply Duct for ExampleChapter 8. Vibration ControlTable 8-1. General Types and Applications of Vibration IsolatorsMounting Assembly TypesFigure 8-1. Suggested Arrangement of Ribbed Neoprene Pads for Providing Resilient Lateral Restraint to a Spring MountType II mounting assemblyTables Of Recommended Vibration Isolation DetailsMounting recommendationsTable 8-2. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Centrifugal and Axial-Flow FansTable 8-3. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Reciprocating Compressor Refrigeration Equipment AssemblyVibration Isolation-MiscellaneousNonvibrating equipmentTable 8-4. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Rotary Screw Compressor Refrigeration Equipment AssemblyTable 8-5. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Centrifugal Compressor Refrigeration Equipment AssemblyTable 8-6. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Absorption-Type Refrigeration Equipment AssemblyTable 8-7. Vibration Isolation Mounting for BoilersTable 8-8. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Propeller-Type Cooling TowersTable 8-9. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Centrifugal-Type Cooling TowersTable 8-10. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Motor-Pump AssembliesTable 8-11. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Steam-TurbineDriven Rotary EquipmentTable 8-12. Vibration Isolation Mounting for TransformersTable 8-13. Vibration Isolation Mounting for One or Two-Cylinder Reciprocating-Type Air Compressors in the 10-to l00-hp Size RangeChapter 9. Mechanical Noise SpecificationsSample specificationsTable 9-1. Sample Sound Pressure Level SpecificationTable 9-2. Sample Sound Power Level SpecificationChapter 10. Noise and Vibration MeasurementsMeasurement Of Noise And Vibration In BuildingsAppendix A References - ufc_3_450_010110Appendix B Basics of AcousticsSound Pressure level (Lp or SPL)Loss of directionality characteristicsVibration LevelsDiscrete frequencies, tonal componentsTable B-1. Bandwidth and Geometric Mean Frequency of Standard Octave and 1/3 Octave BandsFigure B-1. Approximate Electrical Frequency Response of The A-, B-, and C-weighted Networks of Sound Level Meters Temporal Variations Vibration TransmissibilityFigure B-2. Transmissibility of a Simple Undamped Single Degree-of-Freedom SystemTable B-3. Suggested Schedule for Estimating Relative Vibration Isolation Effectiveness of a Mounting SystemAppendix C: Mechanical and Electrical EquipmentFigure C-1. Sound Pressure Levels of Reciprocating Compressors at 3-ft. DistanceBuilt-Up Refrigeration MachinesAbsorption MachinesCooling Towers and Evaporative CondensersFigure C-3. Principal Types of Cooling TowersTable C-7. Frequency Adjustments (in dB) for Propeller-Type Cooling TowersTable C-9. Correction to Average SPLs for Directional Effects of Cooling TowersPumps - ufc_3_450_010130Table C-11. Overall and A-Weighted Sound Pressure Levels (in dB and dB(A) at 3-ft. Distance) for PumpsAir Compressors - ufc_3_450_010132Table C-13. Specific Sound Power Levels Kw (in dB), Blade Frequency Increments (in dB)Figure C-5. Sound Pressure Levels of Air Compressors at 3-ft. DistanceTable C-15. Sound Pressure Levels (in dB at 3-ft. Distance) for Air CompressorsTable C-17. Frequency Adjustments (in dB) for Casing Noise of Reciprocating EnginesGas Turbine EnginesElectric Motors - ufc_3_450_010138Steam TurbinesGenerators - ufc_3_450_010140Transformers - ufc_3_450_010141Opening In A WallFigure C-6. Sound pressure levels of TEFC motors at 3-ft. distanceFigure C-7. Sound Pressure Levels of DRPR Motors at 3 ft. DistanceTable C-26. Sound Pressure Levels (in dB at 3 ft distance) for steam turbinesTable C-28. Approximate Overall PWL (in dB) of Generators, Excluding the Noise of the Driver UnitTable C-29. Frequency Adjustments (in dB) for Generators, Without Drive UnitTable C-30. Octave-Band Corrections (in dB) to be Used in Equation C-17 for Obtaining PWL of Transformers in Different Installation ConditionsGlossary - ufc_3_450_010149Glossary -Cont.Bibliography - ufc_3_450_010151