Project Name
Project Number
UEPH Complex
Statement of Work
26 November 2001
Interim Department of Defense Antiterrorism / Force Protection Standards.
The [insert name of post] Installation Design Guide (IDG), excerpts of which are
included in an appendix to the Statement of Work.
[Insert any additional regulations known to have an impact on facility design and
construction, such as airfield height limitations; AICUZ/APZ information; historic area
requirements; etc. Include excerpts of the document in an appendix to the SOW, or include
source of availability in Appendix A References.].
General. Occupancy classifications, construction types, allowable areas, maximum
building heights, and fire separation requirements shall comply with the requirements of the
International Building Code.
UEPH Buildings. Occupancy classification: Residential Group R-1.
Company Operations Facilities. [Note: previously constructed COFs have used
Uniform Building Code Group B occupancy classification throughout. The following
International Building Code occupancy classifications of spaces within the COF are intended to
more accurately represent the uses of each area in the facility. Prior to issuance of the RFP,
the design district shall coordinate with the authority having jurisdiction to determine occupancy
classifications. Consult with the users to determine the hazard classification of items to be
stored in the supply spaces. This model Statement of Work is written based upon IBC Storage
Group S-1 or S-2 classification of the Arms Vault and other supply spaces. If hazardous
materials, ammunition or other explosives will be stored, the IBC will require classification of the
space as High-Hazard Group H-1, and if the amount of explosive material exceeds the
maximum allowable quantity per control area, a separate building will be required (see IBC
Section 307 and Table 307.7(1)). This, obviously, has a significant impact on the facility design
and cost, and must be determined prior to issuance of the RFP.]. Occupancy classification of
administrative areas, and locker room facilities serving less than 50 occupants: Business Group
B. Occupancy classification of supply areas: Storage Group S-2 [or S-1; verify contents of
spaces with user]. Common Locker Rooms for 50 or more occupants: Assembly Group A-3.
Battalion Headquarters. Occupancy classification of administrative areas: Business
Group B. Occupancy classification of classroom areas: Assembly Group A-3.
Brigade Headquarters. Occupancy classification: Business Group B.
Acceptable Materials and Colors. Exterior elements of the facilities shall comply
with the Installation Design Guide (IDG) unless required otherwise by applicable codes or this
Statement of Work.
Exterior Walls. Comply with IDG. Where masonry exterior wall finish material is
used, and where allowed by code, concrete masonry or metal stud backup wall may be used.
Exterior insulation finish systems shall not be used [may be used as exterior accent materials,
not primary wall material] [Coordinate with installation facilities engineer (DPW) and edit