TM 5-810-15
site by truck or rail cars. Sorbent is conveyed
5-1. General.
pneumatically beginning with site storage if re-
This chapter addresses requirements for fuel han-
quired in a silo and plant storage in a limestone
dling and storage systems for gas, oil and coal fired
bunker. Pneumatic systems are further discussed in
boiler plants. Solid fuel policies and procedures are
this chapter and also in chapter 6. Bunker design
discussed in AR 420-49. Criteria for petroleum
should accommodate all possible sorbents being
product storage and distribution is also prescribed
considered. Cylindrical silos and bunkers are
in AR 420-49. While not intended to give the
commonly used for sorbent storage. Bunker design
reader a complete in-depth study of handling and
considerations for sorbent are similar to coal and
storage system design, it is written to give a basic
are discussed in more detail later in this chapter. It
understanding of how to select handling and
is important to measure the amount of limestone
storage system equipment for a small to medium
going into the combustor. This is done using a belt
size boiler plant.
scale at the outlet of the bunker. The belt scale
discussion later in this chapter is applicable.
5-2. Gas design considerations.
b. Alternate fuels such as petroleum coke can be
a. Natural gas is not stored on site. It is furnished
handled similar to coal. Because of the variance of
through the supplier*s pipeline. The takeoff line
properties within a single fuel type and especially
from the pipe is either furnished by the customer or
between fuel types, each system will be designed
subsidized by the gas company depending upon
for the fuel being considered and the unique site
how the contract is negotiated. Liquified petroleum
conditions and operating scenarios.
gas (LPG) is stored on site in specially built tanks
that can either be leased or purchased.
5-5. Coal handling design considerations.
b. Gas piping will be in accordance with ASME
a. Developing conceptual designs. The process
B31.8, Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping
of selecting and laying out coal handling system
components should systematically proceed through
three preliminary phases before any detailed design
5-3. Oil design considerations.
work is performed: setting design criteria,
a. Fuel oil piping systems require special consid-
eration for connections on small pipes. Small
flow schematic. The design criteria should address
threaded fuel oil piping tends to leak due to the
such factors as plant location, climatic conditions,
penetrating action of oil under pressure. For this
available land, system requirements, types of boiler
reason it is recommended that pipe 2 inches and
(stoker or pulverized coal) amount of coal storage,
smaller be socket welded.
conveying rate and method of coal delivery. After
b. Fuel oil storage tank design and installation
these basic criteria have been established, the
will include spill containment and leak detection.
designer should present a number of different
Spill containment can be in the form of a double
options that will fit them. The feasibility of each
wall tank or a berm as in the case of above ground
option should be examined, and its advantages and
installations. Leak detection can be electronic using
disadvantages should be listed and compared to the
alarms or it can be visual. An example of a visual
other alternatives. Because the lowest capital cost
system is the leak detection technique of providing
system is not always the most economical system,
underground drainage to a single point next to an
an LCCA will then be made for each of the
above ground storage. A vertical pipe is routed
different design alternatives, taking into account the
from this point to above ground for periodic visual
following considerations: Capital investment costs,
inspection. A removable cap is used to prevent rain
operating costs, and maintenance costs. As a final
water from entering the pipe.
stage of the preliminary design effort, a coal flow
schematic as shown in figure 5-1 will be prepared
5-4. Sorbent and alternate fuel considerations.
showing each process and piece of equipment the
a. Sorbent or
limestone is
used for sulfur emis-
coal is moved through before reaching the plant
sions reduction on atmospheric circulating fluidized
storage bunkers.
bed (ACFB) boilers. Sorbent is transported to the