TM 5-815-1/AFR 19-6
1-1. Purpose
ject material relating to the topic of this manual can be
found at the end of this manual. Also included is a
a. This manual is designed to facilitate the identifica-
glossary listing abbreviations and a brief definition of
tion of air pollutant emission rates, and the selection of
terminology used in the text.
control equipment required to meet local, state, and
federal compliance levels. Presented herein are fuel
1-3. Unique control problems
classifications, burning equipment types, emission rate
factors, emission measuring techniques, control equip-
Military facilities have air pollution control problems
ment types, and control methods. Also included are
which are unique to their mission. Among the
discussions of stack dispersion techniques, and control
problems are those associated with classified waste
equipment selection.
disposal, ammunition, plant wastes, chemical warfare
b. Each control equipment chapter provides per-
wastes, hazardous toxic waste, and radioactive wastes.
formance data and equipment limitations which aid in
Each will require a consultant or a specialist to help
the comparative selection of control equipment types.
solve the unique problem. Therefore, each unique
Each chapter includes a discussion of the basic control
problem will require special handling on a case-to-case
theory, various equipment types, collection efficiency,
basis. The manual does not include any information on
pressure drop, operating requirements and limitations,
treatment of emissions, or the incineration of these
application, materials of construction, and advantages
unique materials.
and disadvantages in relation to other type control
1-4. Economic considerations
The selection of one particular type of design for a
1-2. Scope
mechanical system for a given application when two or
a. This manual has been limited to the application of
more types of design are known to be feasible must be
control equipment to fuel burning boilers and incin-
based on the results of a life cycle cost analyses, pre-
erators for the purpose of reducing point-source emis-
pared in accordance with the requirements of the
sion rates. A procedural schematic for its use is
Department of Defense Construction Criteria Manual
illustrated in figure 1 - 1. Although the selection of a
(DOD 4270. 1-M). Standards for the conduct of all
site, a fuel, and burning equipment are outside the
economic studies by and for the Department of the
scope of this manual, there are alternatives available to
Army and the Department of the Air Force are
the engineer in arriving at the least-cost solution to air
contained in AR 11-28 and AFR 178-1, respectively.
pollutant problems. Once these factors have been
Subject to guidance resulting from implementation of
decided, boiler or incineration emission rates and
Executive Order 12003 and related guidance from
reduction requirements can be estimated using chap-
DOD, the cited economic analysis techniques are to
ters 2 and 3.
remain valid. The basic underlying principles and the
b. If emission rates are in compliance with local,
most commonly used techniques of economic analysis
state, and federal regulations for point-sources, their
are described in some detail in a variety of publications
effect on local air quality must yet be ascertained. Such
and standard textbooks on engineering economy such
as Principles of Engineering Economy by Grant,
factors as stack height and prevailing meteorological
conditions, while affecting ambient pollution levels, do
Arisen, and Leavenworth; guides published by
not have an effect on point-source emission rates. They
professional organizations such as the American
Institute of Architects' Life Cycle Cost Analysis-a
are considered in this manual only to make the reader
Guide for Architects; and handbooks prepared by
aware of their importance. These factors are unique for
each particular site, and usually warrant expert con-
government agencies such as the Naval Facilities
sultation. If emission rates for a boiler or incinerator
Engineering Command's "Economic Analysis
are above local, state or federal requirements, or if air-
Handbook", NAVFAC P-442. Clarification of the basic
quality regulations might be violated, selection of a
standards and guidelines for a particular application
pollution control device will be required. The technical
and/or supplementary standards for guidelines which
and cost selection of control equipment are embodied
may be required for special cases may be obtained by
in this manual.
request through normal channels to Headquarters of
c. Appendix A contains a list of references used in
the particular service branch involved.
this manual. A bibliography listing publications of sub-