TM 5-815-1/AFR 19-6
(2) Vertical circular incinerators. Waste is usu-
action of the kiln. Combustion is completed
ally fed into the top of the refractory lined
in the mixing chamber following the kiln
chamber. The grate consists of a rotating
where secondary air is added. The ash is
cone in the center surrounded by a stationary
discharged at the end of the kiln.
section with a dumping section around it.
b. Industrial and commercial incinerators. Indus-
Arms attached to the rotating cone agitate the
trial and commercial incinerators generally fall into six
waste and move the ash to the outside.
categories. The capacities of these incinerators gener-
Primary air is fed underneath the grate.
ally range from a half to less than 50 tons per day. They
Overfire air is fed into the upper section of
are usually operated intermittently.
the chamber.
(1) Single chamber incinerators. Single chamber
(3) Rotary kiln incinerators. Rotary kiln incin-
incinerators consist of a refractory lined com-
bustion chamber and an ash pit separated by
waste that has been dried and partially
a grate. There is no separate mixing
burned in a rectangular chamber. The waste