TM 5-815-1/AFR 19-6
c. Sample Problem Number 2. A boiler rated at 50
MMBtu/hr burns fuel oil of the analysis shown below.
What are the estimated emission rates?
(1) Using table 3-4, particulate emissions are
given as [10(S) + 3] pound/I 000 gal, where
(2) Using table 3-5 (footnote d), NOx emissions
S is the percent sulfur in the fuel oil.
are given as 120 pound/MCF of natural gas.
(2) Using table 3-4, SO2 emissions are given as
157S pound/1000 gal, where S is the percent
e. Sample Problem Number 4. A spreader stoker
sulfur in the fuel oil.
fired boiler without reinjection burns bark and coal in
combination. The bark firing rate is 2000 pound/hr.
The coal firing rate is 1000 pound/hr of bituminous
coal with an ash content of 10 percent and a heating
value of 12,500 Btu/pound. What is the estimated
(3) Using table 3-4, NOx emissions are given as
particulate emission rate from this boiler?
[22 + 400 (N)2] pound/1000 gal, where N is
(1) Using table 3-6, the bark firing particulate
emission rate is given as 50 pounds/ton of
50 pounds/ton x ton/2000 pounds x 2000
pound/hr = 50 pounds/hr of particulate from
(2) Using table 3-3, the coal firing particulate
emission rate for a heat input of 12.5
MMBtu/hr is 13A pounds/ton of fuel.
d. Sample Problem Number 3. A commercial boiler
(13 x 10) pound/ton x 1000 pound/hr x
rated at 10 MMBtu/hr fires natural gas with a heating
ton/2000 pound = 65 pounds/hr of
value of 1000 Btu/ft3. What are the estimated particu-
particulate from coal.
late and NOx emission rates?
(3) The total particulate emission rate from the
(1) Using table 3-5, particulate emissions are
boiler is,
given as a maximum of 15 pound per million
50 pounds/hr from bark + 65 pounds/hr
cubic feet (MC F) of natural gas.
from coal = 115 pounds/hr