TM 5-815-1/AFR 19-6
Factors affecting stack design
a. Design of the stack has a significant effect on the
For a New Source Review, monitoring may be
required to obtain data which shows actual baseline air
resulting pollutant concentrations in nearby ambient
quality concentrations. If monitoring is required,
air. Stack emission dispersion analysis is used to deter-
prepare a monitoring plan that includes monitor siting,
mine increases in local air pollution concentrations for
measurement system specifications, and quality
specific emission sources. Factors which bear upon the
assurance program design. Once the plan is ready, it
design of stacks include the following:
should be reviewed with the relevant agencies.
-- Existing ambient pollutant concentrations in
the area where the stack will be located
Presentation and hearings
-- Meteorological characteristics for the area
-- Topography of the surrounding area
After a New Source Review application is prepared, it
b. Specific regulations having to do with stack
must be reviewed with the appropriate agency. Often
design have been promulgated by the EPA to assure
a public hearing will be necessary and the application
that the control of air pollutant shall not be impacted by
will have to be supported with testimony. At the
stack height that exceeds "good engineering practice"
hearing, all phases of work will be subject to public
or by any other dispersion technique. These regulations
scrutiny and critique.
have a direct bearing on the specific location and
height of a stack designed for a new pollution source.