TM 5-815-1/AFR 19-6
efficient because the cyclone exhibits an increased col-
They can also be used for collection of unburned
lection efficiency during high gas flow and dust loading
particulate for re-injection into the furnace.
c. Fine particles. Where particularly fine sticky dust
conditions, while the precipitator shows and increase in
collection efficiency during decreased gas flow and
must be collected, cyclones more than 4 to 5 feet in
dust loading. The characteristics of each type of
diameter do not perform well. The use of small diame-
equipment compensate for the other, maintaining good
ter multicyclones produces better results but may be
efficiency over a wide range of operating flows and
subject to fouling. In this type of application, it is
dust loads. Cyclones are also used as pre-cleaners
usually better to employ two large diameter cyclones in
when large dust loads and coarse abrasive particles
d. Coarse particles. when cyclones handle coarse
may affect the performance of a secondary collector.