TM 5-815-1/AFR 19-6
brittle yarns. This has been found to greatly increase
crete, the limitations being pressure, temperature, and
bag life in high temperature operations.
corrosiveness of the effluent. The metal thickness must
f. Weight. Fabric weight is dependent upon the den-
be adequate to withstand the pressure or vacuum
sity of construction, and fiber or yarn weight. Heavier
within the baghouse and sufficient bracing should be
fabric construction yields lower permeability and
provided. If insulation is needed, it can be placed
increased strength.
between wall panels of adjacent compartments and
applied to the outside of the structure. Pressure-reliev-
Materials and construction
ing doors or panels should be included in the housing
a. Collector housing. Small unit collectors can be
or ductwork to protect equipment if any explosive dust
assembled at the factory or on location. Multicompart-
is being handled. An easy access to the baghouse
ment assemblies can be shipped by compartment or
interior must be provided for maintenance.
module (group of compartments), and assembled on-
Compartmented units have the advantage of being able
site. Field assembly is disadvantageous because of the
to remain on-line while one section is out for
need for insuring a good seal between panels, modules
maintenance. Walkways should be provided for access
and flanges. Baghouse collector wall and ceiling panels
to all portions of the cleaning mechanism. Units with
are constructed of aluminum, corrugated steel, or con-