j) Provide heaters and insulated, heated pipelines,
as required, where viscous fuels are to be loaded to maintain
the temperature of the fuel at its minimum pumping
k) Stainless steel or aluminum loading arms
(pantograph, without hoses) equipped with non-lubricated
swivels may be used instead of hoses, if approved by Service
Headquarters. Ensure all swivels are non-lubricated aluminum
or stainless steel in-line repairable type.
l) Provide meter proving connections, unless local
procedure provides an alternative.
m) Provide a two-stage flow control valve with
opening/closing speed control, pressure regulating, check, and
flow control features. For Air Force projects, the control
valve usually has an opening and closing speed control only,
instead of the two-stage flow control.
n) Relaxation tank or piping configuration with
sufficient capacity to retain the maximum flow of the loading
station for 30 seconds from the time the fuel leaves the last
piece of filtration equipment to the fuel reaching the loading
nozzle. Applies only to JP-5 or other fuels which do not have
level greater than 50 picosiemens.
o) Strainer.
p) Shutoff valves for servicing equipment.
q) Grounding/bonding reel (provided as an integral
part of the high level shutoff system).
Tank Car Loading Station Equipment Required
a) Provide a positive displacement or turbine meter
for each tank truck/car fill connection. Protect each meter
with an upstream strainer. Include temperature compensation if
rack is to be point of custody transfer.
b) Provide fuel sampling connections for collecting
test samples.