grounding reel to accommodate vehicles without grounding
equipment. (This unit is optional on Air Force projects.
Contact the Service Headquarters for guidance.)
d) Provide fuel sampling connections at each
position for each product line for collecting test samples.
strainer or a differential type gauge across the strainer.
f) Provide a compound (pressure/vacuum) gauge on the
inlet side of the pumps and a pressure gauge on the outlet
side of pumps.
g) If system is for JP-5 or other fuel that does not
second retention time is not provided between filter/separator
and receiving tank, provide a relaxation tank downstream of
filter/separator to ensure a combined 30-second retention time
(time in the tank and time in the piping).
h) Provide seven mesh (0.108 inch (2.74 mm)
opening), quick opening, single screw, basket strainers
upstream of pumps, except positive displacement types.
i) Provide hydraulically operated diaphragm
combination flow control and non-surge check valves on all
j) Provide parallel dual horizontal
filter/separators, complying with API Publ 1581, to filter
fuel before it enters the storage tank.
Refueler Truck Fill Stands. Mission and turn-around
times will establish the number of fill positions, with two
being the minimum. Service Headquarters can assist in
determining the number. See Facility Plate Nos. 006 and 007
for general design guidance and also NAVFAC Drawing No.
1404004. Provide a separate loading system for each grade or
type of fuel to be handled.