e) Positive displacement or turbine meter with rated
capacity equal to the maximum flow of the loading station and
the following accessories:
(1) If custody transfer point, a combination
ticket printer and large numeral zero reset counter with self-
closing weatherproof cover. Ticket printer not required on
Army nor Air Force projects.
resolution type required for projects which employ electronic
data acquisition systems.
Temperature compensation if a custody
transfer point.
f) Relaxation tank or piping configuration with
sufficient capacity to retain the maximum flow of the loading
station for 30 seconds from the time the fuel leaves the last
piece of filtration equipment to the fuel reaching the loading
nozzle. Applies only to JP-5 or other fuels which do not have
level greater than 50 picosiemens per meter.
g) A hydraulically operated diaphragm control valve
with the following functions (care must be taken to select
equipment which is compatible with electronic or mechanical
meter stacks):
(1) Adjustable rate of flow control if fill stand
is on a branch line from a direct fueling system or other
multiple pump arrangement which could result in issue
exceeding 600 gpm (38 L/s).
Adjustable time delay for opening speed
(3) Control valve to close in the event of
diaphragm failure.
Thermal pressure relief.
Position indicator.