stream before discharge into a receiving tank.
Rotary Pump. A positive displacement pump which operates in
rotary fashion such as a vane, gear, bucket, lobe, or screw
pump; not centrifugal, turbine, or propeller pumps.
Rust. Ferric oxide, a reddish-brown scaly or powdery deposit
found on the surface of steel and iron as a result of
oxidation of the iron.
SAE. Abbreviation for Society of Automotive Engineers, used
in conjunction with specification for viscosity of lubricating
A type of cleaning pig used in pipelines.
Service Headquarters. Defined as follows: Army -
Headquarters Corps of Engineers - CEMP-ET; Air Force - The Air
Force Fuels Engineer (HQAFCESA/CESM) through the applicable
Major Command (MAJCOM) Fuels Engineer; Navy/Marine Corps -
Naval Facilities - Office of the Chief Engineer (NAVFAC-OOCE);
Skimmer. A device used to collect thin layers of oil floating
on a body of water.
Slop Oil. Oil or fuel which has become contaminated with
other oils or substances, often requiring separation or
treatment before it is fit for use.
Sludge. Heavy viscous oily mass found in the bottom of
storage tanks and treatment vessels, often contains rust,
scale, dirt, lead additives, wax, gum, or asphalt.
Spill prevention control and countermeasure.
Specific Gravity. The ratio of the weight in air of a given
volume of a substance to the weight in air of an equal volume
of distilled water (62.4 lb/ft3 ) (1000 kg/m3), both taken at
the same temperature, usually 60 F (16 C).
Steel Structures Painting Council.