UFC 3-460-03
21 JANUARY 2003
Chapter 10
10.1. General Information. The safe, efficient, and economical operation of petroleum storage,
dispensing systems, and associated infrastructure depends largely on an effective and proactive recurring
maintenance program. An installation's ability to accomplish its mission is increasingly dependent on a
fully operational POL system. The recurring work program (RWP) is the most effective means of
ensuring these critical systems are maintained at elevated in-service rates. The guidance in this chapter
provides standardized procedures for servicing and inspecting POL systems and components. This
chapter establishes the required frequency intervals for the recurring maintenance program. Deviations
from the required frequencies listed in this chapter require prior approval by the applicable MAJCOM
Petroleum Facility Engineer. Refer to Air Force Pamphlet (AFPAM) 32-1004, Volume 2, Working in
the Operations Flight - Maintenance Engineering, Chapter 8, for an explanation of the preventive
maintenance methodology used by the CE community.
10.2. Responsibilities.
10.2.1. The CE LFM shop, with assistance from the Maintenance Engineering shop, is responsible
for developing an effective recurring maintenance program. The LFM shop foreman is responsible
for accurately identifying and inventorying all fuel system components requiring recurring
maintenance. The LFM shop foreman is responsible for the timely completion of all maintenance
actions identified in the RWP program.
10.2.2. Many components throughout the POL system require some level of operator maintenance as
identified in T.O. 37-1-1. The LFM shop foreman should be familiar with these operator
maintenance requirements and verify the work is performed properly. Operator maintenance actions
are not considered as preventative in nature and are not to be used to adjust the RWP program.
10.2.3. Representatives of the LFM shop and the FMF will inspect all petroleum systems weekly.
At least one inspection each month will include the LFM shop foreman and the FMF commander
(FMF/CC) or designated representative. During the inspection, a status review of all outstanding
work will be conducted. The LFM shop foreman will verify that discrepancies are correctly
annotated and have a work order number assigned.
10.2.4. The LFM shop foreman is responsible for coordinating with the FMF and other applicable
agencies before performing recurring maintenance that may affect mission accomplishment.
10.3. Recurring Maintenance and Inspections. The following paragraphs describe recurring
maintenance requirements performed by CE personnel. The required maintenance frequencies are
shown in bold type at the end of the paragraph or subparagraph. Use Table 10.1 as a quick-reference
chart to locate the paragraphs in this manual describing the preventive maintenance for each item.