UFC 3 -520-01
June 10, 2002
F-15.3.3 For strictly warehousing facilities, high-pressure sodium light sources
controlled by a high-low system or photoelectric dimming system will generally be
acceptable. In any space where light industrial activity such as assembly, packaging,
sorting, or shop work is required, provide a minimum CRI of 65, such as metal halide,
fluorescent or compact fluorescent lamps. Use of fluorescent task lights and a gene ral
lighting system employing high-pressure sodium lamps is acceptable provided more
than 50 percent of the task illumination is provided by the task light.
Health Care Facilities.
F-15.4.1 Refer to IESNA/ANSI RP -29, Health Facilities Lighting. This Recommended
Practice provides specific guidance for health care facilities.
F-15.4.2 Although there are numerous different space types in health care facilities,
lighting should be designed to minimize lamp stock and luminaire types without
sacrificing quality or utility. Preference should be given to the use of electronic ballasts
and T-8 fluorescent lamps, preferably 5,000 Kelvin minimum, with compact fluorescent
lamps at 5,000 Kelvin minimum and electronic ballasts for appropriate luminaires. The
higher correlated color temperature of 5,000 Kelvin is based on obtaining a high degree
of color rendering for hospital applications. General purpose areas in which no
diagnosis is performed can be designed with 3,500 Kelvin or 4,1000 Kelvin correlated
color temperature luminaires.
F-15.4.3 Daylight is presently being considered a health and healing benefit and should
be included in the design of health care facilities whenever possible.
Aircraft Hangars and Shelters.
F-15.5.1 Lighting systems must comply with NEC Article 513 (2002 Edition) .
F-15.5.2 Provide aircraft hang ars and shelters with a combination of overhead, side,
and portable lighting. The overhead lighting is intended to provide general area lighting.
The side lighting is intended to ensure adequate lighting in areas obstructed from the
overhead lighting. Portable lighting is selected and used as necessary for task lighting
applications. Overall, contrasts must be managed by ensuring that ambient light levels
are adequate.
F-15.5.3 Design overhead and side lighting to provide a minimum of 150 lux (15
footcandles). Refer to the IESNA Lighting Handbook for additional guidance.
F-15.5.4 Include separate switches for side lighting to allow turning these lights on and
off independent of the overhead lighting. This is intended to allow workers to avoid
blinding situations during task-specific work activities.
F-15.5.5 Contrast and ambient light levels can be improved by repainting vertical
surfaces. Evaluate the need for painting a s part of any lighting upgrade.