UFC 3-530-01
22 August 2006
around the perimeter of the space increase the surface brightness of the walls. This
strategy is a better choice to eliminate glare than the use of lensed troffers.
3-10.6.3 Semi-indirect pendant manufacturers are also developing short pendant
luminaires for low ceiling applications. These luminaires will use refined optics to
spread light out and light the ceiling with a pendant length of under 0.3 m (12 ft). These
luminaires will allow semi-indirect lighting systems in spaces with a ceiling height of 2.4
m (8 ft).
Existing HID Industrials, Floodlights, Downlights and Other Luminaires.
3-10.7.1 Replace mercury vapor lighting systems with one of the following approaches:
Replace mercury vapor lamps with compatible metal halide or induction
lamps, especially if increased light levels are required.
For interior high bay applications, replace with a linear fluorescent system.
This replacement is especially appropriate for applications where
switching or dimming could be encouraged to save energy in addition to
improving visibility. Fluorescent retrofits are not a one-for-one
replacement of HID luminaires but rather an alternate lighting system.
Existing Exit Signs.
3-10.8.1 Incandescent exit signs should be retrofitted with LED exit signs. Because of
1996 revised UL listing requirements for exit signs, consider replacing exit signs with all
new LED signs.