UFC 3-530-01
22 August 2006
Light Distribution on Surfaces: Lighting surfaces increases the perceived
brightness of the space, makes the space feel larger, and can reduce the
amount of energy required.
Modeling of Faces or Objects: Light should come from multiple directions
to adequately light individuals in the corridor. A system of downlights will
cast harsh shadows on an occupant's face.
Point(s) of Interest: Lighting photos, art, or other displayed features in a
corridor can break the repetition of the lighting and add interest to the
corridor. It also illuminates a surface that is prominent in the occupant's
field of view.
Target Horizontal Illuminance ( 10%): 50 lux (5 fc)
Although people spend little time in such transitional spaces, corridors can feel small
and cramped with poor lighting and can represent a significant energy use. Lighting
ceiling and wall surfaces increases the surface brightness and the overall perceived
brightness of the space. This also makes the space feel larger and wider and can do so
with the same or less energy than a downlighting only scheme. Surface mounted
luminaires add vertical brightness on faces and also can help in indicating corridor