UFC 3-530-01
22 August 2006
may be achieved with the ambient lighting, table lamps or task lighting may
also increase local reading lighting levels.
Target Horizontal Illuminance ( 10%): 300 lux (30 fc)
Indoor play areas that rely heavily on daylight and provide a connection to the outdoors
will create a much more pleasant environment. By providing the electric lighting
controls, energy consumption can be reduced when it is not required. Dimming controls
are also important to lower light levels during rest time.
Pendant mounted uplights provide indirect ambient light and a softly lit environment
without shadows or direct glare. It is important to utilize luminaires that also have a
small direct component to add some sparkle and visual interest. This type of light also
integrates well with daylight, allowing for continuous surface brightness on the ceiling.
As an alternate to pendant luminaires, surface mounted luminaires also provide some
surface brightness.