UFC 3-530-01
22 August 2006
INTRODUCTION. This chapter identifies typical exterior facility applications
and explains the critical design issues for each as outlined in the Quality of the Visual
Environment chapter of the Lighting Handbook. Each application details a conceptual
lighting design for a sample space with a sketch and equipment recommendation. This
sample represents one solution that addresses the design issues and meets the
appropriate criteria. It is not the only solution and alternate schemes will result in
acceptable designs.
Exterior lighting sources. White light sources such as metal halide, induction,
and fluorescent provide better visibility at low light levels than high-pressure sodium
lamps. Refer to paragraph 2-5.2 for more details. Additionally, induction lamps have
the added benefits of instant-on switching and long lifetimes. However, high-pressure
sodium can be used to match existing equipment for ease of maintenance and visual
Exterior security lighting is an important issue for many facilities and not all of
the specific criteria are addressed in this section. For additional information, refer to
MIL-HDBK-1013/1A and UFC 4-011-02.
Coordinate the design and luminaire selection with the landscape designer.
Such coordination should include the location of poles that may conflict with tree
Criteria. Lighting for exterior areas is measured with a variety of parameters.
Maximum, minimum, and average illuminance values are often listed as target criteria.
Uniformity criteria may be described with multiple terms including maximum to minimum
and maximum to average. Additionally, veiling luminance and small target visibility
criteria can also be used to measure roadway lighting. The most appropriate criteria
vary with the type of application. The following lists this UFC's interpretation of the
IESNA criteria and how it is used in the applications shown in this chapter:
Minimum illuminance: This provides the low end of the range of
acceptable light levels. This is typically used in applications where lighting
will be continuous or cover a large area such as roadways and parking
Maximum illuminance: This provides the high end of the range of
acceptable light levels. This is typically used in applications where lighting
will be continuous or cover large areas such as roadways and parking lots.
It is also used to prevent overlighting of an area.